»when you tell them you like another member.

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-he'd had a crush on you for a months and months, and the members knew this.
-you were very close friends, yet not close enough for him to be completely not shy around you and not get super nervous when speaking to you, yet this was probably due to the fact he's liked you for so long.
-you met up for a catchup at a local cafe, as his schedule has been pretty busy recently due to their comeback.
-you felt you were close enough to soobin to tell him a secret you've been keeping from him for a while now, "erm, well there's something i've been meaning to tell you for quite a long time, er.. well, i actually really like beomgyu", you sat there waiting for his reply, but instead, he just stared blankly.
-he was heartbroken, and honestly he just wanted to go home, he wouldn't stop replaying the moment you confessed in his head, it wrecked him, yet he still pretended to be surprised and happy you'd told him.
-he acted down, and ignorant to the other members, which they'd noticed and tried to see if he was okay, just to be shut down from him.
-he later was caught crying by the one and only beomgyu, to which he finally told him the reasoning behind his sudden change of mood, to which beomgyu reassured him he wouldn't try it with you as he would never do that to him, and also told him that he had thought it had something to do with you since he only started acting different since he'd returned from meeting with you.

-you had gone out shopping together for the day, since he had a day off of his schedule.
-you'd had feelings for yeonjun's best friend, soobin, but you could never tell him as you felt bad, but as you and yeonjun were close, and strictly only friends, you thought now would be your chance to tell him.
-you came out of another shop with a hand full of bags, "yeonjun! i have something to tell you", he got excited thinking you were about to confess to him.
-his heart started racing and he prepared himself for what he's been waiting to hear for months now, "what is it?!", he replied to you.
-"well i don't know how you'll feel about this, but as we're just close friends i feel as though i can tell you this without being worried you'll tell others", you sigh before continuing, "well i actually really like soobin, and i have for a while now but i didn't know if i should tell you as i didn't know if it would be weird or not".
-he acted like everything was fine and supported you like a real friend would, but deep down he was truly hurting, he went through the day like usual and faked a smile until he got back to the dorm and into his bedroom.
-he cried a little, but to say the least, he was actually very strong, he also never told soobin out of it simply not being his right to, and he didn't treat soobin any different either as it wasn't him who confessed.

-you invited your best friend round like you do every so often, you'll have snacks and mess around while catching up with what you've been up to recently.
-you recently have caught feelings for his oldest member, yeonjun, and you wanted to slip it into one of the conversation you have with beomgyu today.
-you were sat on your living room sofa together, joking about and sharing secrets when you decided to speak up about your crush on yeonjun, "i have a secret to tell you, but it's like only between us.. like nobody else knows"
-he got excited and squealed in response, "ahh what is it?!?", "okay so basically, recently i've kind of.. maybe.. grown a little crush on yeonjun", you squeal at the excitement of telling him.
-it took him a few seconds to actually take in what you said, he literally felt his heart shatter, but even so, he pretended like his feelings weren't a thing and just went along with it, "oh my god! that's crazy!", he faked a shocked, high pitched voice and expression, which in reality just sounded dull as he struggled to hide his feelings he has for you.
-he gave it another 20 minutes before giving a reason to go home as he simply couldn't take it no longer, he tried to forget what you'd said but it wouldn't stop replaying in his mind.
-as soon as he got back to the dorm, he wouldn't seem like his self, and for that reason taehyun had took him to his room to talk about it.
he felt more reassured afterwards and felt a bit more uplifted, though he still didn't tell yeonjun as it would probably make him feel down, bringing up the situation again.

-he asked to meet you at a little cafe because he'd been bringing up your name in almost every conversation with the members, as his feelings for you had grown even stronger for you, and they'd encouraged him to meet up with you again since they have a day off.
-as you were pretty much best friends, nothing was really awkward between the two of you, it's just since he'd caught feelings for you, being around you has been alot more nerve wracking for him.
-you had gotten drinks and sat at a table, you were chatting away like any other time you'd meet, you'd tell each other what's been going on recently and how your families have been doing.
-although, he'd mentioned kai when talking about the members, which struck your attention, "oh yeah, how's kai been doing recently!? you don't mention him as much as i'd like", you laughed, trying to make the conversation more fun.
-you decided to straight up tell him after he'd answered, "i honestly just can't get enough of him.. you know i actually really like him, like.. really like him..", you say as you wait for his response.
-he questioned to what you really meant there, to which he'd just joked about and went along with it, although really he was quite hurt inside.
-he got home and pretended everything was great as he knew if he acted different, they would've known what was wrong right away.
-he distracted himself as much as possible but didn't really leave his room much for the rest of the day, even so, the members didn't question him and still, he never told kai how you felt.

-you had been texting all day, as best friends do, but on his side, he had been crushing on you for months now.
-he never mentioned it to anyone and never left any hints to you, although the members had caught on quite a bit and would tease him about it.
-you decided to meet at a park so you could chill together, and it was very last minute because you'd been texting all day anyway so you thought you might as well speak in person.
-he got quite nervous when getting dressed as he wanted to look his best for you, even though it was just two friends meeting at a park.
-you were sat on the swings, relaxing in each others company, you were talking about absolute nonsense when suddenly you bought up the topic of his members.
-he was talking a bit about them, but lowkey wanting to drift back onto the previous topic as he didn't like that you were so focused on the others.
-"you know i think taehyun is like, so pretty, you know.. i really like him", you blurt out, to which kai just awkwardly laughs, now knowing what to say since his longtime crush has just told him that she likes one of his members.
-he tries to let it slide, but he just couldn't let it go, he tried to act his usual self and played it off quite well, but as soon as he got home, he went straight to his bedroom and just layed in silence.
-he put on a fake smile to the others, and never told taehyun as his jealousy was permanently high ever since, and he also didn't message you for the rest of you night, then apologising that he was busy, when realistically you'd actually caused him heartbreak.

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