»when they get jealous.

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-he doesn't get jealous too often as he's not put into the situations where he needs to be.
-when he does he'll feel quite like the odd one out, as he'll feel like you're ignoring him even though you're just talking with a male friend.
-gets more upset than annoyed or angry, he becomes noticeable very quiet and shy.
-when you're done speaking with the guy, soobin doesn't really know what to do with himself, as part of him wants to take you into his arms and protect you from any guys who tries to approach you, but the other feels too embarrassed to show him feelings to you as he doesn't feel like he should be jealous because you speaking to a guy isn't that big of a deal.
-he decides to subtly pull you aside and speak to you about his feelings, which you then pull him into a warm hug, reassuring him that his feelings are completely valid, and that no one could ever make you leave him as he's too precious to you.
-through the rest of the day, you never leave his side, keeping your hands intertwined as he goes through the day as happy as ever.

-he doesn't get jealous often as he feels as he trusts you to stay loyal to him, that if anything was to happen, you'd come straight to him, or would tell whoever it was that you were in a relationship.
-whenever he does get jealous, he'll wait a little bit, watching you and the guy talk, hoping for your conversation to end soon so you can come straight back into his arms.
-after a few minutes, he'll come up to you and the guy, placing his arm around your waist as he gives a short but powerful death stare to the guy who's causing his anger to go through the roof.
-the guy shortly leaves as he realises what's going on, which to then yeonjun finally has you to himself, you give him a 'seriously' look, but you obviously aren't mad as feeling jealous is normal, and it's not like he's restricting you from talking to guys, it's just he misinterpreted what was going on and probably thought the guy was flirting.
-the rest of the day is normal as he didn't feel angry or any different to any other day, it was just that one guy he was protective of you from.

-is quite the jeaous type, gets jealous often but he knows when he's just being ridiculous so he'll try to ignore it, but the times when he knows there's a problem he'll take matters into his own hands.
-gets both angry and annoyed, lowkey at you but more at the guy, will act very stubborn and blunt.
-will come over to you and the guy, placing his arm around your shoulder, pulling you towards him, "is there a problem?".
-he would scare off the guy with his cold stare, which then puts him at ease, yet still very angry.
-he would express his anger to you as you try to calm him down, talking him through his emotions and also what the guy was talking to you about so he understands that he was just being kind instead if flirty.
-he would become incredibly protective afterwards as his anger got the best of him, he'd be holding your hand the rest of the day, death staring any guy who looked your way as he make sure people knew you're his.

-he's very protective of you but also knows when to give you your space, so he doesn't get too jealous but is always watching to make sure no man gets too close.
-whenever he gets jealous, he'll try and keep his cool, subtly watching you from a distance, while reassuring himself that nothing's going on and that you're simply talking with a guy as a friend.
-he'll get quite fidgety, he taps his leg while looking in all different directions trying to distract himself as he waits for you and the guy to finish talking.
-the second your conversation ends, he calmly walks over to you before taking your hand into his, leading you towards where he was sat as he asks you what that was all about, questioning you on what the guy needed from you and why it was taking so long.
-you can tell he's very worked up so you take him aside into another room, giving him a big cuddle as you let him relax in your arms while you whisper sweet things into his ear, reassuring him you're all his.

-he doesn't feel jealous majority of the time as you guys have quite a fun and playful relationship, which makes you two kind of forget about the real world as you guys are so lost in your own little world together.
-he'll see a guy get overly friendly with you, which causes him to get super bothered, he doesn't really know what to feel as he's not put in this situation too often, making it hard to decide on what to do.
-he decides on making the friendly approach, he'll come up to you and the guy, mid conversation, pretending as though he were in the conversation the whole time, speaking up his opinion on what the hell you guys were going on about.
-you'll find him hilarious as he obviously has no clue what he's on about, but you catch on right away that he wanted the guy to leave, so you gave an excuse to why you and huening had to go elsewhere, enabling you to escape the awkward interaction with some random guy.
-you stay close to huening for the rest of the day, giving him all your attention, as you don't want him to have any negative feelings from the situation earlier.

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