»when you find out you can't have babies.

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-you were at your house, sitting on the sofa in the living room together.
-you had already found out that you couldn't have babies but you wanted to wait to tell him when you were alone together.
-"baby, i know this is going to be hard on you, but we can't have children, i'm just not able to", you say to him softly while holding his hand, stroking him gently with your thumb.
-his heart broke, but he tried his best to understand, "i'm so sorry, i know this isn't good news for me, but neither is it for you.. we can get through this together", he says to you after a few seconds of silence.
-he embraced you in a warm, loving hug, and placed a gentle kiss on your head.
-he was obviously super upset about this, but he didn't want you to feel any worse than you already did, and there's no way he wants you to think this is your fault.

//YEONJUN//-you were currently at the hospital, sat waiting for you to be told about whether you can get pregnant or not, he had his arm around you and stroked your arm with his hand, "whatever happens, just know i love you", he tells you softly b...

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-you were currently at the hospital, sat waiting for you to be told about whether you can get pregnant or not, he had his arm around you and stroked your arm with his hand, "whatever happens, just know i love you", he tells you softly before kissing your shoulder.
-the nurse had came out and told you the bad news, to which he looked at your teary eyes and pulled you into his arms, "baby it's gonna be okay", he said as he rested his head against yours.
-he took his hand into yours and caressed you while you both took in what you'd just been told.
-it took you a minute to gather yourself, he kissed your temple and told you that there's other ways you can still have children, it just may not be what you ideally wanted.
-he was taking in the bad news himself and was absolutely distraught, but his main priority was to keep you feeling as best as you could after receiving such horrible news.

//BEOMGYU//-you had previously told him that you had bad news to tell him, but none of it was anything to do with him, yet would affect him alot, as you didn't want to worry him too much but obviously you needed to tell the truth

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-you had previously told him that you had bad news to tell him, but none of it was anything to do with him, yet would affect him alot, as you didn't want to worry him too much but obviously you needed to tell the truth.
-you were sat on your bed facing each other while he was playing with your hands, "so i recently got checked at the hospital about something.. and they found out i can't have children", you tell him while staring down at the floor.
-he couldn't believe what he was hearing, his face dropped and he started tearing up, "baby, i'm sorry", you say with a soft tone of voice while bringing him into a hug.
-you stay in each others arms for a little while before pulling apart, and that's when he finally managed to get some words out, "i know it's not your fault, but it's just not nice to hear, you know?", he said with his voice cracking up.
-he felt super guilty and upset, but he pulled himself together so he could support you in this as he knew you weren't showing it too much on the outside, but inside he knew you were broken.

-he felt super guilty and upset, but he pulled himself together so he could support you in this as he knew you weren't showing it too much on the outside, but inside he knew you were broken

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-you sat him down on the sofa, and by your tone of voice and nervous facial expression, he knew it wasn't going to be good.
-"baby, is everything okay?", he asked you with a soft, calming voice, you're eyes drifted from the floor to his, and that's when you couldn't keep it in anymore.
-"er, well..", is all you managed to get out before your voice started cracking and tears started streaming from your eyes.
-he brought you into a hug as he caressed your back, "it's gonna be alright, just tell me and i'll try my best to understand, okay?", he told you, and you nodded before you pulled away and finally managed to tell him the truth.
-"i went to the hospital earlier, they took tests and found out i can't have children", you tell him while trying your best not to cry.
-he sighed and looked down before he brought you into another hug, he didn't say anything, he just embraced the warmth between you both.
-"i love you so much", he mumbled, you felt your eyes getting heavy again, but having him your arms made you feel alot less alone.
-he didn't want you to ever feel this down, so he made sure to keep himself bright on the outside so you didn't feel any worse.

//HUENINGKAI//-you went to the hospital earlier in the week to be told you couldn't have children, so you gave it a few days for you to process and really take in before inviting kai over to tell him the bad news

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-you went to the hospital earlier in the week to be told you couldn't have children, so you gave it a few days for you to process and really take in before inviting kai over to tell him the bad news.
-you were sat on the kitchen stools, your knees in between each others with his hand resting on your leg, "tell me what's going on, whatever it is, you know i can help you through it", he reassured you.
-you managed to finally build up the courage to tell him,"i saw a doctor this week, and they said i can't have children", you say quietly while you place your hand over his.
-he didn't really know what to feel as this was alot to take in, but he knew he had to be there for you, "don't worry gorgeous, there's ways we can get around this.. together", he told you which made you feel safe and comforted.
-he obviously was sad, but it was alot, so he didn't fully process it until later that night where he cried a little and tried to talk himself through things.

-he obviously was sad, but it was alot, so he didn't fully process it until later that night where he cried a little and tried to talk himself through things

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