»when they see you reading wattpad about them.

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-you were in bed together but as you were facing the opposite side to him, you thought he wouldn't be able to see over your head.
-he wondered why you were being so quiet, so he read your phone a little to find out you were reading fanfiction about him.
-he felt quite sad actually, because he put together that you were reading about him because you were too shy or embarrassed to do those things with him in real life.
-he decided to not speak to you about it as he didn't want you to go to sleep feeling guilty or uncomfortable.
-the next day he'd subtly hinted to you that he saw you reading about him by asking you questions about him, like if there's anything he doesn't do which you would like him to, or if there's places you want to go together etc..
-he'd act upon those small things you told him, and it actually made him realise that he was craving this too without even knowing, so it made him super happy that he'd asked you those things and that you were honest with him.

-he came up behind you to give you a backhug, but he expected you to notice him coming up to you, so he decided to peer over your shoulder and look at what you were so focused on.
-he saw you reading something and he thought he'd read a little too, but he never expected for you to be reading fanfiction about him.
-he stopped after 10 seconds because he felt guilty, and he backhugged you like he was going to do originally, but he startled you so much because you were afraid of him seeing what you were reading, "OH! baby i didn't see you there omg!!", you say awkwardly as you hurry to turn your phone off.
-he decides to speak to you about it later because he didn't want you to feel embarrassed about it in the moment.
-a few hours had gone by and you were together alone, he made sure you felt comfortable and was smiling when he brought up the topic, he asked you what you were reading about him was giving you, that he wasn't, not that he was offended in any way, but so he do those things to you in real life as that's what you deserved.

-he was sitting beside you talking to one of the members, and as he was occupied, you thought you'd read some wattpad about beomgyu as you were too shy and insecure to ask him to do the things to you that you were reading about.
-he noticed you were really focused on something while also subtly trying to not let him see, by tilting your phone a little away from him and keeping the darkness low.
-this caused him to become sceptical of what you were trying to hide, so he looked over and read what was on screen.
-his mouthed dropped and he was in shock of what you were reading, so he asked you about it, right there on the spot, but kept his voice quiet as he wasn't sure if you were comfortable talking about it with so many people around.
-you got very shy and embarrassed, almost a little tear eyed, so he'd bring you into his side, wrapping his arm around you and bringing you close, he'd reassure you that whatever it is you want him to do, he'll do it, and that he's comfortable and willing to give you whatever kind of affection you're craving.

-you were sat on your sofa at your house, and because taehyun had gone to the bathroom, you thought you'd read a some wattpad while you were waiting.
-when he came back, he went to lean over the back of the sofa and give you tons of pecks on your cheek, however you wouldn't even turn around or say something when he entered the room.
-he read your phone and was confused to why you'd be reading about him when you can do those things with him in real life.
-"hey babe i'm back, what were you reading?", he asks with a smirk on his face, to which you tell him it was nothing, but he wouldn't accept that as an answer.
-he sits next to you and holds your hand so you know he's being genuine and so that you're comfortable, "if there's anything more you want from me or things you wanna do together, tell me now, as i can give you those things, or do those things with, or to you", he tells you, to which you shyly tell him what you want, and he's ready to give.

-he asks to borrow your phone to google something as his phone was currently dead, and as you completely trusted him with your phone and had absolutely nothing to hide, you didn't watch him while he was on it, and you weren't super desperate for him to return it.
-when he was removing the internet slide, he noticed wattpad was open and saw his name, so he clicked on it and read a little.
-he was confused to why you'd read about him yet not do those things with him in real life, so he decided to ask you.
-he made sure you weren't embarrassed by reassuring you it's nothing to be embarrassed about and that he wants to know what you want to do together so it can bring you two even closer.
-he puts an arm around your waist while you tell him what you want to do together, and he places his other hand on your lap so you could play with his fingers for comfort.
-he understood everything you said and agreed he wants to do those things together too, he made you feel so comfortable about it all.

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