»two months vs two years of dating.

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~two months~
-shy as hell, gets nervous meeting up with you.
-gets jealous easily, yet he's too worried you'll think he's overreacting if he told you so he keeps it to himself or talks to yeonjun about it.
-strongly cares about what you think of him, always takes cares of his appearance when seeing you so he looks his best, and doesn't really show you his annoying or clingy side as he's worried you'll lose feelings for him.
-his clingy and needy side slowly started coming out.
-quite shy going in for kisses but loves cuddling you a kissing your cheek.

~two years~
-isn't afraid to show you his more sensitive side, opens up to you alot.
-calls you frequently because he misses your voice.
-still gets quite giddy and flustered around you.
-loves playing with your soft cheeks, makes a circle against your face and pokes his finger into your squishy cheek.
-gives you alot more attention and makes time to see you.
-very comfortable around you, isn't afraid to be himself infront of you.
-buys you food and plays video games with you.
-loves laying in bed with you and just talking and cuddling, as it relaxes him and makes him feel closer to you.


~two months~
-not too touchy as he wants you to be comfortable and not to rush things.
-compliments you alot.
-does whatever he can to make you smile, loves hearing you laugh.
-kisses your forehead when you hug him.
-there's never really times when you guys aren't talking because you're still getting to know each other especially personal things.
-lowkey gets flustered when he's around you, tries to hide it but it shows.
-buys you small gifts.
-wants to be protective of you and smother you in love and attention, but doesn't want to come off too pushy or make you feel uncomfortable.

~two years~
-loves making you blush by complimenting you and showing off infront of you.
-loves back hugging you and resting his head in the crook of your neck.
-protects you and doesn't let anyone hurt you.
-flirts with you all the time, whispers dirty things in your ear and gives you neck kisses.
-lets you cuddle him whenever, never pushes you away and always gives you the attention you deserve.
-good morning and good night texts.
-frequent dinner dates.
-spoils the fuck out of you, literally takes you shopping and lets you pick out whatever.
-doesn't get angry at all but you can annoy him quite a bit sometimes, but he just accepts it as its usually when you're being childish and chaotic.


~two months~
-quite shy yet very comfortable around you.
-admires your features when you aren't looking.
-you both get flustered at each other, making you both act like complete children.
-follows you around like a lost puppy.
-completely in love with you but tries to hide it.
-texts and calls you alot at the most random times.
-you act very silly together, a very chaotic duo.
-laughs at all your jokes, his attention always focused on you.
-takes care of you and makes sure you're safe.
-still quite shy to even kiss your cheek, but it happens every so often.

~two years~
-babies you alottt.
-very protective of you and everyone sees this.
-shows you off and hypes you up.
-you two are completely inseparable, you always together whether you're on bad terms or not.
-plays with your hair with your head rested on his chest or lap.
-facetiming before you go to sleep.
-frequent pecks on your cheek and surprise kisses on your lips.
-loves holding your hand as it makes him feel safe and as though he's not going to lose you.
-lets you cuddle him whatever the situation.
-loves when you keep him company when he's working.


~two months~
-very smiley and giddy around you.
-acts quite tough and as he isn't super nervous around you.
-gets butterflies in his stomach when you get touchy with him.
-secretly loves when you kiss him but is too shy to ask for more.
-kisses you head when you cuddle.
-lets you hold his arm when you're out together.
-not very confident with telling you about his feelings or anything too personal.
-lowkey babies you, feeds you his food and takes care of you.
-watches you when you aren't looking.

~two years~
-isn't afraid to open up to you.
-kisses you frequently, mainly on your temple and lips.
-very protective of you, doesn't like it when the members get too close or friendly with you.
-kisses you hand when they intertwined.
-lowkey bit of a flirt without realising.
-loves seeing you smile, admires you when you're laughing.
-pulls your head into his chest when he wants cuddles.
-grabs your hand and keeps you close by his side.
-asks if you're okay often, never wants you to feel upset, and when you do he always makes sure to be there for you, stays by your side and giving you kisses and cuddles.


~two months~
-texts you often, seeing what you've been doing with your day.
-doesn't stop thinking about you and smiling.
-is too shy to tell you his feelings so he'll tell the members.
-is very playful with you yet still very shy.
-gets flustered when you compliment him.
-you guys could talk all day.
-you both want to give each other long cuddles and kisses but feel as though it's too soon.
-staying up till 4am messaging each other because you miss one another, but you're too afraid to admit it.
-cuddling into his chest while you're sitting together, his arm placed around your shoulder, his thumb rubbing small circles on your arm.

~two years~
-playful kisses all over your face.
-laughing fits at the most silly things.
-being able to have serious talks with each other, about personal situations or simply just each others feelings and emotions.
-long kisses when you're able to get time alone.
-play fights during the day and tickle fights when you turn off the lights to go to sleep.
-random pecks on his cheek, making him all flustered and giddy.
-very trusting towards each other, barely every gets jealous.
-loves to play with your fingers and hold your hand when you're together.

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