»when you facetime.

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-pretty quiet at first, you'll do alot of the talking until he starts to build the conversation more.
-as soon as he remembers something funny that happened that day, he'll never stop talking.
-will suddenly get really comfortable and will start joking around with you, teasing you and calling you cute, silly names.
-will facetime you most nights before you sleep.
-doesn't bother with camera angles, will keep his phone just below his chin so you get an awkward shot of him up close.
-gets a little embarrassed if one of the members comes in, will immediately move his phone so he's a little out of shot and will tell them to leave while being teased by the member who interrupted, they'll have a little talk with you too, just to annoy soobin.

-gets a little embarrassed if one of the members comes in, will immediately move his phone so he's a little out of shot and will tell them to leave while being teased by the member who interrupted, they'll have a little talk with you too, just to ...

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-uses a really soft voice with you at first when he's asking how your day was and what you've been doing.
-super comfortable with you, the whole time you're in awe of how sweet he's being.
-props his phone up against something so you can see him properly and as if you were talking face to face.
-watches you with a subtle smile on his face, his eyes never leaving the screen.
-compliments you out of nowhere, causing you to get flustered and a little shy as it's not like you can then give him a hug or a kiss for being so adorable and nice to you.
-tells whoever comes in to leave because he's talking to you, and that gets them going straight away because they know how serious he is when it's about you.

//BEOMGYU//-super excited to simply just hear your voice and see your face, you can tell he absolutely adores you because everytime he joins the call he'll have the biggest smile on his face

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-super excited to simply just hear your voice and see your face, you can tell he absolutely adores you because everytime he joins the call he'll have the biggest smile on his face.
-is very active, literally takes you round the whole dorm, will prop up the camera and show you some random shit using his whole body just to make you laugh, and will do little things like kiss the camera, pretending to be kissing you, or pull adorable faces up close to the screen.
-towards the end of the call, he'll get quite tired and hazy, his voice will get softer and quieter, making the call very calm and relaxing instead of hyper and chaotic like it was earlier.
-tries to drag on the call because he doesn't want to leave you, he'll message you immediately after you hang up and wouldn't stop pestering you until he was distracted by work.

//TAEHYUN//-on the outside he looks like his everyday smiley self around you, but on the inside, he's got crazy butterflies and is secretly so in love with you, literally just wants to smother you in his love but as you're on facetime, he tries to...

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-on the outside he looks like his everyday smiley self around you, but on the inside, he's got crazy butterflies and is secretly so in love with you, literally just wants to smother you in his love but as you're on facetime, he tries to act as calm and mature as possible.
-stays pretty quiet at first so he can listen to you and hear about your day, is super respectful towards you and treats you like a princess.
-doesn't stop smiling, his eyes never leave your face as he admires every small feature.
-completely gets lost in your eyes and loses focus, you'll call his name to see if he was listening to what you were saying but he'll come back to reality as he hears his name and tells you he really was listening, he starts blushing and trying his best to stay focused on your words as you continue to talk.

-completely gets lost in your eyes and loses focus, you'll call his name to see if he was listening to what you were saying but he'll come back to reality as he hears his name and tells you he really was listening, he starts blushing and trying hi...

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-is a little shy but puts on a confident front, he'll secretly be quite nervous yet excited to finally see your face again.
-doesn't take too long for him to feel comfortable and relaxed with you though, he'll start making jokes and teasing you, causing you both to break into hysterical laughter atleast six times during the call.
-subtly compliments you, especially on your hair or accessories, or how cute you look all messy and cosy at home.
-whines about how much he misses you and can't wait to see you next, you'll actually schedule the day you next see each other as you just couldn't wait any longer.
-the type to freely walk around the dorm to get snacks or to simply show you something that wasn't located in his room, you'll likely have a conversation with one or two of the members.

-the type to freely walk around the dorm to get snacks or to simply show you something that wasn't located in his room, you'll likely have a conversation with one or two of the members

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