»when you wear a revealing outfit.

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-blushes ALOT, gets super flustered when talking you, and accidentally makes it super obvious.
-stutters when he speaks to you, and you end up telling him to relax and talk slower so he can get his thought process straight, which makes you both laugh.
-struggles to keep his eyes upwards, doesn't want to be disrespectful by staring.
-you tease him, telling him that you know he wants to stare and that he can if he wants to.
-is kind of jealous and worried of men staring at you because he doesn't want others to look at you that way.

-compliments you a fuck ton, doesn't feel shy at all to give you the attention you deserve when looking so hot.
-bites his lip alot and stares you up and down your body, making you super flustered.
-can't keep his hands off of you, has his arm around your waist and intertwines your fingers.
-does alot of teasing, will whisper in your ear while caressing your waist.
-kisses you often to show everyone you're his.
-doesn't get jealous of others staring as he knows they have nothing against him.

-overly hypes you up, is super loud when complimenting you just to make you blush and feel extra loved.
-hugs your waist tightly and gives you loads of necks kisses.
-you catch him staring at your body quite a few times, to which you have to remind him where your eyes are.
-gets super playful with you, will tease you by biting his lip and looking you up and down.
-you tease him when he suddenly gets nervous and doesn't really know what to do with himself.
-keeps you close by his side and holds your hand when you're in public.

-literally a mess, he doesn't want to make it obvious he's staring yet he wants to stare and does anyway.
-he'll tell you how beautiful you look and give you a few soft kisses, keeps the the compliments subtle, even though you could tell by his flustered face that he had alot to say.
-gets very protective when out with you, as he feels a little intimidated by anyone looking.
-offers you his jacket using the excuse that it was cold, and after many tries you eventually give in as you realise what he was actually offering you his jacket for.

-gets obviously flustered, doesn't even bother hiding it because you could clearly tell.
-would compliment you a few times, but would mainly give you lots of affection, soft kisses on your lips while caressing your waist, and ALOT of backhugs.
-you like to tease him a bit, but he always catches onto you doing it which his reaction is hilarious yet so adorable.
-likes to show you off, yet gets quite jealous and intimidated when he catches someone admiring you.
-would bring you into his waist and cuddle you loads so not so much of you is showing.

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