»when you're on your period.

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-extra clingy, constant cuddles and affection.
-buys you a fuck ton of chocolate.
-rubs your lower stomach as he lets you cuddle into him.
-tries to make you laugh, trying to take your mind off of the pain.
-gives you painkillers, always checks up on you, asking if you're okay or where you're feeling pain.

-keeps you by his side 24/7, never leaves you alone.
-buys you pads and tampons, lots of chocolate and a plushie.
-holds you, comforting you through the pain.
-asks if you're okay every 10 minutes.
-runs you a hot bath to let you relax in
-rubs your stomach and gives you massages.

-acts alot more mature, as he realised you need him to be there for him.
-tones down his hyper side, is more relaxed.
-lowkey clings onto you but wants to give you a little space.
-asks if theres anything he can do for you.
-lots and lots of cuddles.
-plays with your hair to calm you down and make you sleepy.

-lets you cuddle him as much as you want.
-is more relaxed and clears alot of his schedule, because he knows this is the time you really need him.
-uses a more softer voice with you and treats you like a princess.
-tries to learn more about what you're feeling so he can help you through the few days.

-asks if theres anything he can do to help, as he doesn't really know anything about periods but  is lowkey kind of shy to ask too much.
-understands your feelings and lets you speak to him about whats on your mind.
-frequent cuddles.
-is quite playful with you and tries to make you laugh, while also knowing when to stop and be mature for when your cramps are bad

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