(Not A Story Idea) Authors Note

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Thank you so much for reading my Story Ideas!!

If you got through all 100 of them! Or commented and Voted I just want to give you all hugs. *group hug.*

For those people that asked for a story idea you can check out their books in my reading list "Story ideas that I gave to people!" (Wow, that's original^^)

And if you liked them please spread the word so people can enjoy them too! And hopefully get inspired to write their own story!

I was so nervous to post these ideas! Affraid people would steel them! But I'm so glad I did! Because I met great people along the way :)


-the story idea that says "mine" next to it with the most votes will be posted in August! So please like your favorites!

-Some people I have given ideas to, but they have not been written. So they are all given a deadline. Please check back regularly if you want to see if an idea goes back up for adoption. And same goes for if you really want to read a book, but no one adopted it yet, check back to see if the book got picked up. I would suggest writing it yourself...but that's just me ;)


I put a lot of work into these ideas. A LOT! And then when I see people posted what they call "Story Ideas" and use only quotes as their ideas and claim it's THEIR IDEA?! Nope, I'm sorry that is not an idea.

For Example an idea (word used usely) like:

"I love you babe"

And someone comments later saying: "OMG! That's a great idea!" Makes me want to scream at my phone and throw it at a wall.

And no, I'm not bashing people it just bothers me...sure, maybe quotes help people THINK of ideas, but that isn't a STORY idea!! It's a fricken QUOTE!!

*calms self down*

People should appreciate people that put thought into their ideas! Like the people I'm about to list below:

101 Story Ideas: @sydw08

Story Ideas: @_avalynn_

Story Ideas: @worminsports

Story Ideas: @aesthetic-

Please go check them out! And if anyone else have any recomended idea books that are worthy of this list please comment below.

[Story ideas book ended March 15, 2014]

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