Believe Me

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TITLE: Believe Me

GENRE: Mystery

STATUS: Adopted

Don't Believe Me (I'm Lying)- iluvmanga133

SUMMARY: Every lie I said, every word that came out of my mouth people thought was the truth. And I couldn't reverse what I said.

It was my gift, at least that's what someone told me.

It was fun at first. Telling people they owed me money, and they would hand it to me. Heck! I could go to a store and steal anything I wanted and people would just assume that I bought it when they stopped and asked.

Just because I said so.

But after a while it's not so fun. Not at all.

Especially when I was kidnapped and was forced to tell my parents I wasn't their child. The consequences was death if I didn't do what the people said.

And the worst part wasn't that I didn't know who my attackers were, or why they wanted me to do as they said.

The worst part was when I told my parents that I wasn't their child....

They believed me.

This sounds awful to me!! Anyone else?

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