Caught with the Cops

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TITLE: Caught with the Cops

GENRE: Mystery

STATUS: Adopted 

The Game That Leads to Defeat- Anonymous136

SUMMARY: "I know you can do this. You are the one that picked to do a dare! There is no backing out now"

I nodded my head dialing the number I Knew Since kindergarten. A person on the other side of the phone instantly replied...

"911 what is your imergency?"

Taking a big gulp of air. Then started screaming like I was told to do. "There is a huge spider in my house!" The man on the opposite side of the phone sighed, "please don't call if its not an actual emergency." They hanged up.

Hysterical laughing filled the room as the speaker phone was on during our whole conversation.

The door bell rang as I quickly said I would get it. The pizza man came earlier then expected. Opening the door there was no one there, but a cop hat laid on the ground and a note laid on top. looking around to see if anyone thst could have dropped it here. Yhere was no one in eyesight so I crouched down and Lifted the crumbled up paper to read: "no one likes a jokster."

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