Tell me the truth

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TITLE: Tell me the Truth

GENRE: teen fiction

STATUS: For Sale

SUMMARY: since the beginning of high school my best friend said she has a secret but couldn't tell me what it was till senior year graduation.

We went through everything together, she told me about her parents divorce, and how she got into the collage of her dreams. and I told her all the people I had a crush on during the school year.

When graduation came up I was all excited and the first person I went to go see was my best friend, "So can you tell me your secret now?"

"Ok, come here I will whisper it to you." I moved closer till I could feel her breath on my ear. "I never tell the truth."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

She didn't answer and just turned away then waved into the audience where I saw a lady and a man holding hands and waving back to her.

her parents never were divorced.

I thought this story would be cool to see if you could figure out what else she was lying about. Lots of drama!

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