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TITLE: Blasted

GENRE: Mystery

STATUS: For Sale

SUMMARY: One ticket, I had only bought one ticket to get me from one place to another, but the plane got delayed and all flights got pushed back another week, but I had to go.

He would find me if I didn't.

Leaving towards the door to make a sprint for it, I got a cab to take me to the nearest airport to the one we were just at.

While taking the back route to get to my destination faster, smoke started to rise from the trees. And being curious enough I told the driver to stop as I got out of the cab to see if anyone was injured, a plane was crashed, and no one looked alive.

Thinking fast I walked over to a woman and switched our ID's. Her face looked so messed up that hopefully he would think it was me.

My only regret being not paying the cab driver.

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