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I'm pretty sure on my last post half of the story got deleted but I fixed it so go back and read the actual rest of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n's POV:

"Is this thing on?" My brother and Emmett get up on stage.

Turns out they are a lot like each other and after the whole "Mr. steal your girl" situation cooled down they got to talking and now seem like friends? Not sure about how I feel about this duo it's going to turn to a huge disaster.

"Oh lord here we go," I cringe.

"I'm so ready for this!" Edward keeps laughing beside me.

I nudge his side.

Emmett took the mic first and started tapping it.

(Okay I HAVE to put this in because this is the best part of the wedding in the movies)

"Is this thing on?" He taps it more and gives an awkward thumbs up to the crowd.

"Okay, Y/n you are an amazing person and I am exceedingly happy that I can now call you my sister. Anyways Y/n, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these past 18 years because you won't be getting anymore for a while," He starts to smirk and laughs at the silence that fell over the crowd of people.

I look to my dad and he takes a huge gulp of his champagne.

My brother looks at him in horror.

A huge blush spreads across my face.

"Give me the mic," my brother grabs the mic out of his hands while Emmett is still laughing.

My brother finally shoves Emmett out of the way and begins his speech.

"First I just want to start off my saying Y/n you are the greatest big sister I could ever ask for, you've taught me what it means to be a good person," my heart starts to swell at his lovely words.

I am almost brought to tears as I my brother keeps talking, this is great I never thought he would mature enough to give a heart-felt speech, he even looks like he really means it.

Boy was I wrong.

After all the sappy stuff he said, this is what came out of his mouth.

"Anyways congradulations Y/n and Edward or whatever. Now back to what I really came up here for. You!" He suddenly shouts pointing at Tanya.

"I've seen the way you've been eyeing me all night sweetheart," He winks, "Meet me on the dance floor in 10 and i'll show you what i'm all about," He then does a mic drop and jumps off the stage heading towards Tanya.

"What did I just witness?" Edward was laughing beside me.

"My brother," I rolled my eyes.

Then finally all of my weirdass family said what they needed to say.

Thank god that parts over. Next all of the Cullens said some heartwarming words that made me feel better.

Then it was Edward's turn. He said the most heart touching words spilling his love for me, and finally the tears spilled out.

Everyone started to cheer again.


After all the embaressing speeches, stuffing our faces with food, well most of us, and talking to the guests, it was time to dance.

Edward and I made it out to the dance floor and a whole bunch of other couples gathered around us.

I rested my head against his chest, taking in the moment. The strings of lights hung up around us glittered making this moment even more like a fairytale as I looked up into Edward's eyes.

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