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Y/n's  POV:

"Alright how about you sit down and get to know them and I'll grab our bags."

I nod and Edward pecks my forehead and heads back downstairs.

"So how did you guys meet?" Alice questions while I sit down next to her.

"Well it's not anything really romantic but  I was just sitting in this little clearing in a meadow that has always kind of been my hideout spot since I was a kid, and somehow he just randomly appeared." I giggle at the memory.

"I don't know how he found the spot he must have been wandering around. Well anyway he came up to me and asked if he could sit down, of course I said yes, then we just sat in that meadow and talked until dark. I don't know how to explain it but when I saw him for some reason I knew that he was the one for me. Then I gave him my phone number, that's really it I guess."

I then raked my fingers through my hair and suddenly all eyes were on my ring finger.

"Is that an engagement ring?" Renesme asks.

"Yes it is, Edward proposed to me last month." I squeal smiling at my ring.

"How long have you two been together?" Alice then asks.

I start to feel as if they aren't as excited as I was by looking at their faces.

"Ummm....almost a year."

"Can I see the ring?" Renesme glances at my hand.

"Yeah defiantly."

I poke my hand towards her and she softly takes my hand in her inspecting the ring.

Something flashes in her eyes.

"I'm going to go help Edward with the bags, and I need to talk to him quick." Renesme rushes to where Edward just had left a few minutes ago.

I look at everyone awkwardly.

"Did I do something wrong she looked quite mad." I frown, I don't want to be disliked by his family. I want to be close to them, it's really important to me.

"Oh no sweetie I think she was just a little upset because she was close to Bella. You know who Bella was right?" Esme comes close to me placing her arm around me in a comforting way.

I nod my head. It's still really weird to me to think that Edward has already been in a serious relationship and he is only still a teenager, like me. I do feel bad for him though, he had to go through the heartache of his love dying.

"Congratulations by the way, now this just means that we have some exciting wedding planning to do!" Alice says hugging me.

"Thank you so much! Also I could use a lot of help with the planning, and I have heard from Edward that you are quite the party planner." I feel so relieved and happy that Alice could help us, and she seems like the exact person that would make everything perfect.

after sitting for a few seconds I realize I haven't went to the bathroom yet after we were in the car for hours.

May I use your restroom?" I question.

"Of course, it's just down the hall on the right." She points in the direction of the bathroom.

I get up and make my way to the bathroom.

While I'm walking there, I see Edward and Renesme through the huge glass windows, it looked like they were arguing.

I stop walking and try to hear what they were saying.

"When she walked in I thought that this was just going to be a thing for you to get over Mom, but you forgot to mention that your going to be marrying that women in there and she's also your blood singer!" Renesme scoffs.

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