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Y/n's POV:

After we walked inside, Edward picked me up bridal style and spun around.

"What are you doing?" I giggle.

He doesn't respond and just walks around to what I am assuming is the bedroom.

We make it to a room and he sets me down on the floor, "Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to go check out the beach join me when you're done," he quietly walks away to the sliding door leading to the outside.

This is happening, this is happening.

I shakily turned towards the bathroom.

All I could hear was the light taps of the pads of my feet quickly sauntering across the cool tile floors.

I make it to the sink in the bathroom, I pause for a second looking at myself in the mirror, analyzing, trying to take this all in.

What I have been waiting for is finally here.

Little droplets of fresh cool water trickle down my (s/c) skin as a result of myself splashing water on myself, trying to settle the bottle of overflowing nerves.

Once I had the nerves somewhat under control, I strolled back out of the bathroom.

I slip out of my clothes and turn towards the sliding door Edward just exited through just minutes ago. Should I put on a swimsuit? I peek outside and see Edward's shorts on the sandy beach.

Oh lord!! We're going to skinny dip!!

"Holy shit!" I breathed, hopefully not loud enough for Edward to hear. I checked back outside just incase and saw his form in the water.

I cautiously open it and start walking further out, my feet meeting the soft warm sand.

I see Edward's body glimmering in the huge ocean around him, it's quite a magnificent sight to behold.

I could tell he knew of my presence even though he did not look back.

Now salty water rippled past my toes, calves, thighs, stomach, all now sumberged in the dark luke warm water.

The tips of my hair stuck to my back as I stepped deeper into the dark abyss.

The sound of crashing waves was light and faint.

Stars were burning all around us, the moon casting a gleam on our bodies like it did earlier on the boat.

Edward's shimmering frame lured me in, my skin yearning and burning for his touch.

Our skin finally made contact as my fingertips brush across his back.

We shiver at each other's touch.

I am finally graced with his unforgetable eyes as he turns around.

Butterflies flow gracfully through my stomach, just like when I first caught a glimse of his orbs.

It's just like when we first met, love flowing through us.

I never thought I would feel this connection to someone. I hoped I would find someone like Edward when I was a little girl, but as I got older I thought men like him were just in books, movies, just plain fiction.

But no.

He was real, he was here in front of me.

Ours fingers held rings of commitment, passion, pure love.

His arms embraced me and our lips met in a tender kiss.

His silk tongue caressed mine, my fingers slid through his soft locks.

Edward slowly kissed my neck as I wrapped my legs around his slender waist. Cold hands and fingers brushed my back and waist.

It felt like Edward was slowly painting his love across my body.

Even though he was ice cold, each finger left a trail of scortching heat filled with lust and love on my skin.

The kiss never faltred or quickened in pace.

Goosebumps started to spread across my skin as the cold air whisked around us making my (h/c) hair fly.

My back suddenly hit the silk bedsheets.

Edward's frosty hands kept caressing my sides and he slowly kissed down my stomach.

Emotions I have never felt before were bubbling erraticaly in my body. I couldn't get enough.

The moon was still glowing through the open windows and doors casting a heavenly shadow on my now husband on top of me.

Our eyes never lost contact, it was the most intimate we have ever been with one another.

Now we were about to take our next step together as husband and wife.

Okay guys, I need some feed back here. Do you guys want a 🍋 😏 chapter or not? Just let me know!!!! I was going to add some in this chapter but wanted to consult my beautiful readers first. lol. 😘

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