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Y/n's POV:

I walk into the house and up to the balcony where Edward is standing.

He senses me behind him and scoops me up into his arms.

"I'm so sorry." I could hear how sincere he was through his soft voice.

"I know and I'm sorry too." I look up into his beautiful piercing eyes that I missed.

We both knew that we couldn't stay mad at each other for long.

"I don't want to start another fight right now love, but I know what you and Rosalie talked about out there. I know how important having a family is to you, but I can't go through that again. Watching Bella deteriorate in front of me and not being able to do anything to stop it or help it almost killed me." Many emotions shimmered through his eyes.

"But look, she survived." I tried to convince him.

"Yeah she did but then the Volturi ripped her head off right in front of me." Anger was growing inside of him.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know." I hugged him tighter. I knew that the Volturi killed her but I didn't know how they did. They are ruthless and vile.

"Y/n, if you want a family so bad....." he paused whatever he is going to say was troubling him, and I think I know what it is and I didn't like it.

"No edward."

"Just let me finish, if you want a family so bad please, please I'm begging you. Go live your life and find someone who will be able to grow old with you, give you a whole bunch of kids and grandchildren...." he holds my hands close to him.

"No Edward we're not doing this right, now we're about to get married." Tears were spilling out of my eyes.

"My world is too dangerous for you y/n, I've already lost one of my soulmates...and I'm not going to lose another one." His brows pinched together like he was trying to convince himself like he was doing the right thing.

"Don't you realize if you let me go like this, you will also loose me?"

"At least I'll know that you are out there somewhere happy, fulfilling  your dreams, and not dead."

"See Edward if you would just hear me out, if you would just give me a chance of having a family with you then we would have each other, and my dreams would be fulfilled because I had a gorgeous baby with the man that I love with all of my heart."  I pull his head down to mine, our foreheads resting on each other's.

"I would love to have a family with you y/n, but you see how Renesme looks the same age as all of us?"

"Yeah." I kind of forgot about that.

"Well immortal...or half immortal babies grow abnormally fast, it was like Renesme barely had a childhood. She was a baby one day then she was a toddler the next. Do you really want to go through all of the trouble, pain, and the risk of dying for only a few months with your child?" I could tell how Renesme's rapid growth bothered him and he felt like he didn't have time to raise her.

"I'm willing to do anything to have a family with you." I whispered truthfully to him. I looked up into his loving eyes and I knew that at that moment that we would stay together forever.

"We're just going to have to wait until this weddings over!" He picked me up and through me over his shoulder running in the house.

I giggled with happiness knowing that I finally won him over on the idea of having a baby with him.

Everyone laughed as Edward flew through the house to our room. A smile rested on all of there faces knowing what a baby brought to this family last time, but they almost frowned at the thought of the whirlwind of stuff that y/n is about to go through.

Rosalie's POV:

I may be a little jealous that Edward is going to be able to have two children now, while I'm going to be stuck with none for forever.

But the thought of another sweet baby coming into our house again filled me with joy. But the thought of having to watch another family member go through the horrible things that Bella did will put a strain on all of us.

I look back to Emmett who was standing close behind me.

The look in his eyes told me that he knew what I was thinking about, and he looked at me in a comforting way as he wraps his arms around me.

I smiled I'm content, even though Emmett and I couldn't have the one thing I wanted most, at least I have him and the rest of my amazing family with me.

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