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Y/n's POV:

We were still trekking through the thick piece of land trying to find an unknown destination.

Edward would occasionally just casually lift me up by my waist to avoid certain areas, as well as ripping up tree roots and vines to make a path. It's still a little uncanny knowing that he is that strong.

"Where are we even going?" I stop turning towards Edward.

"I want to show you something. I can carry you there if you would like?"

"Yes please, I don't mind you running at full vampire speed or whatever you call it but take it easy alright I don't want to projectile vomit my breakfast on your head." I climb onto his back patting his head.

"I really hope you don't do that either." He grimaces then takes off up the incline.

I close my eyes and feel the wind rip past my skin. I can hear birds and the sound of thick vegetation crunching under his feet.

It was very cool In a way being able to experiment things like this.

We suddenly stop and I hear running water, I take that as a sign to open my eyes. A huge gleaming waterfall is set before me, the roaring water quickens my heart beat in excitement.

I have never seen something like this. It feels, smells, and looks so fresh. I take a deep breath and look over to Edward.

He then just jumps in plummeting towards the bottom. My heart then skips a beat.

His head then peaks out of the water.

"Don't ever do that again you scared the shit out of me!" I scold him.

"Come join me!" He yells.

"Are you crazy! One I didn't bring a swimsuit, and two I'm pretty sure I would bellyflop on the water or worse just full on smack a rock." I smack my hands together for the full effect.

"I promise I won't let you smack a rock. Also, just jump in with your clothes or nothing at all I won't complain." He smirks.

"Ugh, just come up here with me and help me down."

"Fine I'm coming." I see him speedily swim to the side and spider crawl up the rock.

"Well that was actually really creepy."

"Oh shut up." He comes up to me as I take off my shoes. "Are you ready?"

"No." Next thing I know he picks me up and throws me off the side of the little cliff.

If he could see my face right now it would be the biggest look of betrayal.

I think the next few se kinds will be my last until I meet Edward's arms again softly letting me land into the water.

"You almost killed me!" I smack his chest.

"But I didn't." He snickers tickling my sides.


I break free of his grip and start to swim around a bit.

I try to get away from him but he swims like a weird ass shark.

A hand grabs my toes and drags me over. Edward then flips me around so I have my legs wrapped around his waist.

He leans in to give me a kiss but I turn my head.

"Are you really that mad?"

I decided I was going to ignore him to see how he would react.

"You're literally trying not to laugh, what are you doing?" He pokes my sides.

I try not to react and push him away.

It doesn't seem to be working out so well.

"You're so annoying." He then drops me.

I then keep up with my act and tread the water for as long as I could, my legs were starting to get tired.

I was too far from the edge but I was trying to make it there.

I starting going under a bit but I think I can make it to the side in time before I get too tired.

Well that wasn't true, I started to go slower my legs were burning.

Then Edward scoops me up. "Are you crazy? You could've drowned just to prove a point. You know being this stubborn is very dangerous?" His voice was very stern.

I just start laughing.

"Oh my god I was joking, I was trying to see how you would react. At least you didn't let me drown. Im sorry." I kiss him deeply.

"You stress me out." He sighs.

"You know my whole purpose in life as your now wife is to just pick on you forever."

"Yay me." He rolls his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Umm excuse me I think you should be honored." I rest my head on his chest feeling more tired.

"Im very honored, let's start heading back so you can take a nap."

I don't protest and I let him carry me the rest of the way back go the house.

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