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Jer asked me to buy the food while he went to the bathroom. I agreed since I thought I'd be able to get my purse back. I was dead wrong though. He shoved $20 into my hand. I tried to push it back into his hands, but he laughed and ran to the bathroom. I sighed and turned to face the back of the person. I hated taking money from people since I wish I could be self-sufficient.

It was finally my turn, so I ordered a funnel cake and fried oreos. Yum, I can't wait to taste those Oreos. The cashier smiled and told another guy my order. I think the cashier was flirting with me. I blushed and smiled back since he was a little cute. It then made me a little sad, knowing I wasn't allowed to date. I thanked him and walked away.

Was Jer pooping in the bathroom or something? What was taking him so long- oh, there's a line. I'm surprised since the men's bathroom normally doesn't have a line. I shrugged and sat on a bench and began eating the food. Jer's gonna have to hurry if he wants to have any of this delicious food.

"Hi, is this seat taken?"

I looked up to see a freckled guy with black hair. I shook my head to which he smiled. He sat down and began eating his own fried Oreos. I smiled at our mutual taste buds. He was about to say something, but two girls approached us.

I nearly choked on the Oreos after looking at them. They were undeniably attra- no, they were beyond hot. The blond was bewitchingly beautiful while the brunette was... I had no words to describe her beauty. It shocked me to feel an intense lustful desire towards her. I squeezed my legs tight and tried to think of holy things that would dry out the moistness between my legs.

"That looks delicious, RaRa." The blond spoke to the disinterested brunette. "Oh come on... get your mind off her." The brunette rolled her eyes at the blond.

Aww, she has a girlfriend. That sucks- wait! Hold up, Addison! First off, you know you can't date, so you shouldn't be disappointed in attractive people having a partner. And second, Mama would kill me if she knew I fancied a girl. I gulped and looked down, which was hard with the beauty in front of me.

"Hard not to." RaRa sighed. "I want to make sure she's okay, Er."

"Fine, but can we at least go on some more rides?" Er gave RaRa the biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Of course." She chuckled and looked at the boy, who was transfixed on their faces. "Didn't you want that?" She pointed at the guy's friend Oreos. Er nodded at the brunette. "Okay. Give us your Oreos and leave."

I rolled my eyes at the girl's audacity to think she could just- what??? The boy smiled and handed them the plate before leaving. Why did he- How did she- What?! The blond happily munched away on the Oreos and moaned in delight. The brunette chuckled and they turned to walk away, but my mouth got the best of me.

"Hey!" They stopped and turned to look at me. The blond was more interested in the food while the brunette raised a brow. "That's so mean. You guys can't just take people's food."

"She's cute." Er said. "Can I eat her?" Her eyes widened in delight while my eyes widened in unease.

"That'd be too risky, Er." The brunette playfully shoved her. "Here's the thing, love." I blushed at her words. "I can do anything I want, but... I'll make it easier for you." She winked, making me blush even more. "Forget what you saw and go about your day."

My eyes widened at seeing her eyes change. They almost looked reptilian and that was creepy as hell. I know I have vision problems, so I'm attributing that to the reason I imagined her eyes changing. She pulled back and scrunched her brows at my shocked expression. The blond began pulling her away since she wanted to go on a specific ride.

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