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Kiki's POV

Erana and I have been gambling our lives away across the human realm. It's been a couple days and we still haven't received word about Zena yet, so we assume she's still recovering which means... FUN BREAK! Erana and I had just won a few million, so we were making it rain and popping champagne in Monaco. Erana tilted her head back, so I could pour the champagne into her mouth. It was a constant party from the elite casino goers.

Erana and I high fived and put more money in for another round. The thing is... we'll always win since we can manipulate the outcome. Those are some of the perks when you're not human. I was about to roll the dice when I felt a powerful aura enter the human plane. Erana and I locked eyes. I then laughed it off and handed a hot guy the dice and told him to have fun. Erana grabbed my hand and walked me away.

"That's your father's aura. What's he doing back here?" She locked eyes with me.

"I don't know. Let's follow it." Erana nodded at my suggestion.

We walked out the casino and found a deserted alley. Erana and I launched into the sky and flew in the general direction of his aura. As we passed over the US, Erana yanked me to the ground. We landed and she ran off to a small store. I titled my head and walked after her.

"Just one!" Erana excitedly ordered. She then saw my confusion, so she spoke. "We're over Philly, so we have to get a cheesesteak! They're known for this!"

"How'd you hear about this food?" I scrunched my face in disgust at seeing meat with provolone cheese on it.

"The demons talk about this being a good human food." She then bit into the sandwich and moaned. "Try it!" She forced me to eat it. My eyes widened and I smiled at her. "Good right?!" I nodded and shared the sandwich with her.

"Are you girls in a rush?" The owner asked. Erana and I locked eyes and then shook our heads. "I'm just asking because there's a fair going on in one of the suburbs, so you two may want to check it out." He smiled.

"Where?" Erana asked since I was preoccupied with the food.

"It's a town called Manayunk." What kind of town name is that? "It's not that far of a drive, so I think you two will enjoy the fair." He smiled and left to help another customer.

"Want to explore for a bit before flying to LA?" Erana nodded at me and dragged me outside.

Erana and I flew over some towns with weird names. What the hell is a Conshohocken or a Skippack or- Erana tugged me to show the fair. We smiled at the LED lights and flew to an alley. Erana and I ran to the fair grounds and started going on the different rides. We didn't have any "tickets" so we compelled the ride masters to allow us entry. We also compelled people to allow us to skip the line.

After we spent a couple hours here, I thought it was about time to head to LA. We were about to leave, but Erana saw a food vendor. She pointed at a picture of a fried Oreo? The man apologized and said he ran out. Erana was seconds away from bawling, so I dragged her away. She shrugged and said we should probably leave. I nodded and we walked to the exit, but Erana tugged on my arm.

"That looks delicious, RaRa." Erana pointed at something, but I was distracted. My mind drifted to Zena. It's been a while and we haven't gotten an update on her condition, so I hope she's okay. "Oh come on... get your mind off her."

"Hard not to." I sighed. "I want to make sure she's okay, Er."

"Fine, but can we at least go on some more rides?" Erana gave me the biggest puppy dog eyes. Well, dad can manage a few more hours without us. Plus, I picked up the aura of another devil in the area, but couldn't pinpoint who the devil was. I want to check it out.

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