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Erana walked ahead of me and opened the school doors. She did a mocking bow and motioned for me to enter. I snickered and walked inside. I walked past the students who barely ever acknowledged me. They were staring at Erana and were shocked when she interlocked our arms.

"I expected cuter boys here." She looked around the halls.

"And cuter girls?" I teased back.

"Hmm... the girls are cute I guess. You're the cutest though." I blushed when she winked at me. Erana then arched her brow at me. "You do know I'm straight, right?"

"What?" I stopped and turned to her in confusion. She began laughing while I was shocked. "I thought- I just assumed- you're so flirtatious with Kiki and-"

"Are you jelly?" I blushed. "Oh, you totally are!" She chuckled. "And no, I'm just a flirty person. I'm into guys, but love to frustrate girls." She snickered. "Now, where do we go first?"

"Oh, I have-"

"Is that a freak I see?" I saw Gabby walk down the halls when her posse. "And she's forced a new student to be around her. Good thing I'm here to inform you that you want to stay clear of the disabled monster." Gabby pushed me back. "What's your- ow!" Gabby stared in shock since Erana had flicked her forehead. "What the hell?!"

"Push her again and you'll feel pain in more places." Erana smirked. "And I think you're the monster with your personality. Your soul is so black that it's not even appealing to consume." Erana scrunched up her face in disgust.

"Screw you!"

"And that mustache of yours?" Erana touched Gabby's lip.

"What are you-"

Everyone started to point and laugh at Gabby. Gabby looked at everyone in confusion. Erana conjured up a mirror and held it so Gabby could see the mustache she grew. Gabby tugged on it, but winced since she was pulling her hair. I think everyone thought it was fake, but it was definitely real.

"And the unruly brows." Erana flicked Gabby's forehead again, but this time... Gabby grew a unibrow. "And the moles." I had to stifle a laugh since Gabby was resembling Nanny McPhee. "This hideous appearance of yours is even more beautiful than your blackened heart."

Gabby cried and ran to the bathroom. Her posse followed after her while people were recording Gabby's hideous features. Erana turned and gave me a wink.

"How'd you do that and no one saw what you did?"

"Magic." She winked. "And I made their eyes oblivious to me using magic. To them, they just realized Gabby's new appearance." Erana smirked and began walking.

"Umm... you mentioned her soul?" Erana nodded at me. "What did you mean by that?"

"We can detect people's souls and hers is particularly dark. Yours, however, is so pure and... it's almost irresistible how light and innocent and good your soul is. Your soul is definitely something that other devils will covet." She chuckled.

"Oh... so devils collect souls or..."

"Oh, we consume them." My eyes widened at her response. "Devils make contracts in exchange for souls... usually. Some of us can also take souls by force, but you have to be insanely powerful to do that. Otherwise, you try to trick others into exchanging their souls for a wish or something." I nodded at her. "That being said... don't offer your soul to anyone! Hear me?!" I rapidly nodded at her. "Great! Time for class!" She yanked my arm.


Everything was going great for the first 5 minutes. Erana hated attending classes and found it incredibly boring to sit through a lecture. She had been to school before, but it was just for lunch and then we left after. Erana suddenly stood up in the middle of class, shocking the teacher. She then casually walked out. I quickly made up an excuse and ran after her.

The Devil Made Me Do ItTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang