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I woke up with a massive smile. I sat up and ran a finger along Kikimora's naked body. I hovered over her and licked up her body. Kikimora's eyes opened and she gave me an amused smirk. I chuckled and pushed her onto her back before straddling her.

I bent down and captured her lips in mine. I smirked and rolled my hips into her. Kikimora groaned and gripped my things as our kiss became more heated. I sighed in content as I felt the darkness invade my heart. I licked her lips before pulling back.

"I'm hungry." I whined and grinded into her.

"For what, Addison?" Kikimora sat up and kissed me.

"Food." I nipped her lip. "But the tasty kind." I held her face. "The yummiest thing we can consume." I smiled when Kikimora got the hint.

We got dressed to leave. Kikimora picked me up and jumped off the balcony. We flew around and observed our choices. I pointed to a young man giving money to a homeless man. My meal turned into an alleyway, so we dropped in front of him. He was stunned, which allowed me to push him into a wall.

The man was about to say something, but I kneed him in the groan and slammed him into the wall. I then attached my lips to his and sucked out his soul. He thrashed around, but soon stopped his movements. I pulled away and allowed his limp body to fall. I flung my head back and moaned since that tasted amazing. I looked to my right and saw Kikimora consume a woman's soul.

A young boy walked down the alley. I smirked at my next meal. The little boy's eyes widened and he was about to scream... but I knocked him down and consumed his soul. I tossed his body into the dumpster before turning around. Kikimora smiled and took my hand in hers.

Kikimora and I exited the alley and walked down the sidewalk. I saw a Mustang I liked, so I approached it. I pulled on the door, but it was locked. I pouted and focused on the lock. I smirked when I heard a click. I then opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. Kikimora went to the driver's side and drove away.

"Where to, Addison?" Kikimora glanced at me.

"Hmm... how about to mommy dearest?" I laughed. "I desperately want to pay her a visit."

"Next stop, the hag's house." Kikimora snarled.

I loved making her angry. Angry Kikimora was a fucking dom in bed. I glanced at her and made up my mind. I unbuckled my seatbelt and invaded her space. Kikimora was shocked when I sat in her lap and gripped the steering wheel. She tried to look over my shoulder, but I pushed her face into my neck.

"No peeking." I purred. "Press the gas, sexy." I smirked and drove at breakneck speed. "Faster!" I grinded into her. "Harder!"

Kikimora's hands caressed my sides as she painted hickies along my neck. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. I then heard sirens behind us. My eyes opened and I groaned in annoyance. Kikimora smirked into my neck and licked my neck.

"Want to do a high speed chase?" I chuckled and gripped the steering wheel. "Guess we can't really do that since the fucking cars are blocking us." I pouted when Kikimora slowed the car down.

The officer closed his door and approached us. He stopped chewing his gum to look at us in shock. I gave him a cocky grin from Kiki's lap. The officer shook his head and narrowed his eyes at us.

"You are aware this is illegal and you were going-"

"You're wasting my time, fucktard."

"Excuse me?! In fact, step out of the car." The officer stepped back.

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