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I was walking along the sidewalk when I heard a car honk. I turned to see Jer waving at me. I stopped and approached his car. He had to put the hazard lights on since the cars behind him were honking.

"Jer, why'd you stop in the middle of the road?" I leaned on his window.

"Can we talk?" He desperately asked.

"Yah, just pull into the park."

He nodded and drove off. I walked along the grass to meet him in the parking lot. I opened his car door and sat inside. I looked at his guilty expression.

"What's wrong-"

"I'm sorry." He cut me off. "You're my best friend and I should be more supportive. I shouldn't be making you feel like you're in this alone. You have me as a support system." I smiled at his words.

"It's okay, Jer. I'm starting to subscribe to the belief that it may not even be real." I sighed.

"I believe you." I turned to him. "Stranger things have happened right?" He chuckled. "Who would've thought that we can send man into an airplane, or visit space, or find glowing fish... I may have never seen something like that, but that doesn't mean you haven't."

"Thanks, Jer." I hugged him.

"The thing is that believing you makes everything scarier." I pulled back and looked at him weirdly. "A man who has glowing eyes and can summon fire is scary, Addy." I laughed at him. "Not funny." He cracked a smile. "Do you even remember what he looks like?" I shook my head.

"It was dark, so I couldn't see his features. I only know that his eyes glowed a bright orange." I shivered.

"That means it wasn't an accident." He whispered while I nodded. "I'm so sorry." He hugged me again. "Maybe we can have them reopen the investigation and-"

"It's been so long." I whispered. "They wouldn't. I've tried to speak to the police, but they never filed another order."

"Then, we'll have to launch our own investigation." I quickly shook my head. "Come on." I shook my head. "Fine." He laughed, but then went silent. He awkwardly looked away before speaking. "I know you were upset at me, but can I still go to the orphan-"

"Jer." He looked up when I touched them. "I would never say you can't visit the orphanage. The kids love you." I smile.

"They love you more." He smiled and began to drive to the building.

I smiled as we neared the familiar brick building. Jer pulled into the parking spot. We got out and I raced inside. The secretary smiled and waved at me. I smiled back and walked deeper into the building.

"Addy, how are you?" I smiled and turned to see Elizabeth.

Elizabeth ran the establishment and was the one who used to do the wellness checks on me. Since I had gotten older, she wasn't allowed to do the wellness checks anymore. That's why Mama and my sisters were allowed to be abusive. Jer has always been pressuring me to tell Elizabeth about the abuse. The reason I refrain is that I'll be without a family again. I don't want to go back into the system again.

"I'm doing well." I smiled back at her.

"That's great. And Jeremy." She smiled and hugged him. "The kids will be so happy you guys are here. They've been pestering me about when you two will visit." She chuckled and led us into the play area. "Children, Addy and-"


I giggled when they swarmed me and tackled me with hugs. Jer wasn't safe from them either. They climbed onto him and asked him to hold them. Jer was struggling to carry all of them while I smiled and allowed the girls to lead me away. They wanted me to help braid their hair. I taught some of the girls different braiding styles they could do. The boys came over and blushed while asking me about my favorite things.

The Devil Made Me Do ItTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang