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Kiki's POV

Erana and I were about to lose it from Nyx's complaining. She didn't want Kennedy entering Lilitu's realm, so Erana and I offered to leave them in Hel. They weren't amused with that option either, so I don't know what they wanted. Erana's contacts said that the demons passed through my domain and were now in the Dark Realm. Hence, we had to go to said realm if we wanted to rescue their friends. I don't know what the problem is.

"You really have the worst taste in company." Erana looked at me.

"I did bring you though." I gave her a teasing smile.

"That just reaffirms your terrible taste in friends." We laughed.

"First off, we aren't friends!" We rolled our eyes at Nyx. "And are you insane?! Bringing the person who Lilitu desires to murder straight into her realm?! That's blatant suicide!"

"Lookie here." Erana jabbed Nyx's chest. "Your friends are in Lilitu's realm, so you have to go there if you want to save them."

"They aren't our friends." Nyx bitterly spoke. "We went as far as we could, Ken. We can't venture any farther." We glared at Nyx since we actually did need their help to rescue our friends. We weren't going to tell them that we also had a vested interest in rescuing Naomi and Nat.

"Ken, please." Zena begged the angel, but Nyx interjected.

"The answer is no. Sorry Zena, but Kenny's safety is my number 1 priority and I refuse to allow her to do something as reckless as walk into the realm where her maniacal aunt waits." Zena sighed, but nodded. She's very respectful for a daughter of Lara. "The exit, Kikimora." She sharply addressed me.

"No manners when you're in my home." I hissed my teeth. "You're on your own if you wish to head back. Figure it out on your own." Erana and I continued on to the barrier.

"You are messing with the wrong person." Nyx's eyes glowed fuchsia.

"You really think you can take me on?" I laughed. "Your small army of elites was no match for me, yet you... a pathetic demon believes she can challenge me." My smile was sinister. "Well, let's go!"

I then revealed my devilish form, where my flesh fell from my body as my size increased. My horns protruded from my head while my eyes blackened. My dark eyes locked with Nyx's Barbie pink eyes. I smirked as the fire burning through the holes in my body singed Nyx's skin. I roared at the dark angel and revealed my poisonous claws. I was about to swipe at her, but Kennedy stepped in front of her mate. I watched as everyone looked afraid except for Erana and Zena. Zena more looked angry that I was scaring her mate.

"I think she gets your threat." Kennedy's voice shook a little.

"Please return to normal!" Acacia shouted from behind Zena.

"No problem." I immediately returned to my human counterpart. "So you were going home?" I innocently asked Nyx.

"Nope! That's the barrier, right? We're heading there right now!" Kennedy exclaimed.

"Guess we're not going home." Nyx mumbled.

I smirked at seeing them shake in fear. We began walking, but I recognized that Zena was perfectly calm. It wasn't like she was putting up a front... she was genuinely calm and not undisturbed by my showcase of power. I stared at her until she became uncomfortable under my gaze. Acacia was uncomfortable by my close proximity to them, so Zena motioned for her to go ahead with the rest.

"You weren't rattled." I spoke, but Zena ignored me. "Why?"

"Because you and I are after the same thing." She spared me a glance. "Naomi and Nat are friends with you... as well as Madison and Harley."

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