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Third Person POV
Gad was on his stomach as he crawled through the air vent. He stopped when he heard the desired voices. Gad peered through the vent to watch Lilith, Alabasndria, and Baalam speak. Lilith was furious with her children's lack of progress.

"First, you two failed to bring Addison's dead body to me!" Gad's eyes widened at the knowledge. "I tasked you with killing her, yet neither of you can accomplish something so simple!"

"If Alabas just allowed me to-" Lilith struck Baalam.

"Did I give you permission to speak, boy?" She sneered at her son. "Now, I have to change tactics. Randa's death is more important at the moment. I've told you both to track him down, yet nothing!" Lilith's anger caused several glasses to explode. "How useless are the two of you?!"

"We apologized, mother." Alabas bowed. "We've been trying-"

"Then try harder!" Lilith screamed. "He has the key to Lilitu's coffin. If he releases her, she'll attempt to claim MY throne!"

"We will do everything in our power-"

"Enough!" Lilith snapped. "Leave." She ordered and left the room.

Gad waited until everyone vacated to jump out the vent. He landed with the softest thud and surveyed his surroundings. He then quickly jogged out the room, avoiding staffers. Gad saw his mother speaking with a staffer. He waited until she rounded a corner to teleport to her.

Gello jumped when Gad appeared in front of her. He slapped his hand over his mother's mouth before leading her into a room. Gello spelled the door so no one would be able to hear them.

"Tell me what you have learned." She addressed the boy.

"Lilith organized the attacks on Addy's life. She wants Addy dead, but halted so she can focus on tracking down Radna."

"I knew about her trying to murder Radna, but didn't know about her involvement in Addison's attacks. I assume she fears the prophecy... but how did she hear about it?"

"Maybe Alabasndria or Baalam told her. They're desperate to be in her good graces. She's angry at their failed attempts."

"Lilith must also suspect I'm aware about the prophecy and the implications." Gello got her breathing in under control. "Have you fought against them?"

"No. I've been careful so they never suspect me."

"Okay, but be careful." She touched her son's shoulder. "You've done well, Gadreel." She gave him a small smile.

"I'll continue surveying the palace for a few more days before I return to Kikimora." Gello nodded and drew the drapes back.

Gad smiled at his mom and saluted her before jumping out the window. Gello proudly watched her son fly away. She smiled and closed the drapes.



The glass shattered against the wall. Radna paced back and forth before settling for the chair. He placed his head in his hands as he screamed. He then flung his head back and ran his hands through his disheveled hair. Radna observed the recently killed corpses. He yelled again before pelting the chair at the wall, causing it to break.

Radna was going crazy since he was aware of his family's knowledge. They knew he had the key to Lilitu's coffin and launched a search party for his whereabouts. His mother put a pause to murdering Addison so that all efforts would go into locating the rightful King. Radna knew his family would murder him since he held the key that had the capacity to grant him the crown.

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