Chapter 17: Banged Heads

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-Aria's POV-

"A date!" Dylan exclaimed trying not to show how happy/ excited he was that I said it."

If you take a right turn here we get to my house faster," I pointed over in the direction with my index finger.

"You want to get from me that bad?" He glanced at me with a grin.

"I want to get out of this dress and into some comfy sweats," I laughed which lifted the mood.

"Oh! I get it... It's uncomfortable,"  It was so itchy.

"No it's super comfy and totally not itching me," Not the sarcasm.

"Haha," He said back with the same tone which made us both chuckle.

He pulled into the parking spot on the side of the road. I looked over a him as he continued to stare through the windshield.

"Are you coming or what?" I asked still looking at him. Dylan quickly turned off the car.

 As we walked across the street, he climbed out of the car and followed me up to the door. I opened the front of the building and walked up the stairs with him behind me. Once I got my purse open, I unlocked the apartment door.

We went inside, "I'll be right back, I just need to call my friend - She is my ride for tomorrow for the show. Make yourself comfortable!" I said putting my keys on the kitchen, marble counter.

"I could drive you!" Dylan remarked sitting where he did last time he was here; middle of the couch.

"That's kind of you but It's just easier with her because she is going to stay here and then take me across down," I explained

"Yeah but I... It would give me another excuse to see you," He smirked glancing over at me.

"But I won't want to be a pain and you live across down. I wouldn't want you do have to drive back and forward just for me,"

"I don't mind!" He declared.

I walked into my bedroom and stopped by the door to see Dylan crossing his legs over.

"I'll be back..."

Slowly, I closed the door and scrambled through my closet. Grabbing the comfiest thing I saw, I put on white sweat shorts with a pink outline and a white plain crop top that was fitted. Then I leisurely walked over to my desk and grabbed a black hair tie. Dylan was still sitting on the couch with his phone in his right hand. As I strolled over to the fridge, taking my time, I began to put my hair up in a messy bun.

"What are you grabbing?" Dylan called over glancing over at what I was doing.

"Water! Want one?" I answered bending down to take it.

"Yeah sure that would be great, So about driving you..." H trailed off wanting me to say something.

I walked over with two bottles in each hand. I sat down next to him while he talked I just looked at his chocolate coloured eyes and passed him his water. As he took a sip, I had an idea.

"I mean you could always just crash here and take me tomorrow morning instead of driving all that way," 

Dylan nearly spat out his drink at the words I said. He tried to play it of cool by coughing.

"Sleep here? Like at your flat?" He questioned as I looked at him confused.

"Yeah, I mean I have this couc-," I went to say before he cut me off.

"The couch!" He responded like he suddenly forgot about it.

"Yup, the couch," I copied what he said still a little confused.

"Of course... You meant the couch. W- what else would you have meant?" Dylan wondered to himself rhetorically.

"Right well um.. Do I need to Addison, my friend, or do you want to?" I added just ignoring what he said before.

"What no! I mean I - I guess I can stay if you don't mind," He babbled talking faster than usual.

"Great! I'll grab blankets and some pillows for you." I stood up and walked into my bedroom. As I looked behind me, I saw Dylan sitting down with his hands buried in his face.

Shouting from the room I was in I asked , "Do you want two or one pillows?"

"Umm.. One is fine!" He called back.

I dropped all of the blankets out of my hands onto the floor. I'm guessing he heard because he came rushing in over to where I was.

"You okay?" Dylan looked over at the couple of the blankets which were now on the floor.

"Yeah, I just dropped these- not a big deal," I replied softly bending down to get them.

"Here let me help," The brunette bent down at the same time as me.

We both hit our heads ad fall back. As I grabbed my head, he did the same.

"Heh, should have just let you get them," He murmured.

"You think!?"

Both of us sat on the floor holding our heads. I began to laugh quietly.

"What?" Dylan asked confused why I was laughing.

"Your head is so red," I carried on laughing more loudly while getting up off the ground and looking down at him who was still on the floor. 

"What is your head made of?" He chortled getting back up on his feet.

"Come on, let's get you some ice," Taking my time, I went over to the kitchen.

I got a small towel and grabbed some ice. I placed it in and wrap it up so they didn't fall out. Then I walked over to the couch. Dylan stood in the doorway- between the living room and my bedroom.

"Come here and lye down," I point over to the sofa. 

He walked over and done as I said as I sat next to him. Gently, I put the cold towel on the red part on his head. At first he pulled back, probably because it hurt, but then he relaxed. After a while of holding the ice against his head, I  oved my hand. I leaned up to his face as our chests touch I felt Dylan's heartbeat raise. The, I placed a soft/ light kiss on his forehead and said, " Better?"

"Hmm, I think I need another," 


What will Aria do? I found this chapter cute and I hope you did too!

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