Chapter 27: Aspirin

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-Aria's POV -

I felt terrible.

Dylan held my hair back as the threw up all on the toilet, "Its okay let it out," He soothed rubbing my back in continuous circles. I had my arms around the toilet seat.

"Ughh I-," But more vomit came up. Slowly, I slid down the toilet and lay down on the floor.

"Aria let's get you into your bed,"

Dylan basically picked me up after I refused to move. Carefully, he placed me into my bed and put the covers over me.

He went towards leave but I stopped him, "Dont go," I motioned for him to lye next to me. Dylan quickly took off his shirt and trousers so he would be more comfortable.

I snuggled into his shoulder and pulled the covers up so they were nearly covering my face.

Instantly, I fell asleep.


The next morning, I woke up, hardly remembering what happened yesterday.

"Morning," Dyl said with his husky voice. It gave me instant butterflies in my stomach.

I took the covers off us, however all I saw was Dylan in his boxers. My eyes nearly fell out my head and I thought of the worst things.. Well I guess they wouldn't be the worst.

"Dyl! Did we- I don't -," I stuttered. If we did do it that would be a bad thing to start with. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Yeah we did, don't you remember?" He asked frowning.

"WHAT!" I exclaimed jumping out of bed. Yeah shouldn't have done that I feel the headache already.

"I'm joking, I'm joking. Sadly, we did not," He laughed and grabbed my waist pulling me back into bed, "Just five more minutes. I was comfy,"

"Okay," I gave in and lay on his chest. He played with strands of my hair and soon we fell back to sleep.

My nose twitched, I could smell bacon being made. Dylan was no where to be seen.

I hopped out of bed holding my head and heard him cussing, followed with a giant bang of a pan. I laughed and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind me cooking," He smiled and flipped over some food, which looked like pancakes.

"Of course not," I went over and looked in the cupboard for aspirin," Ughh where is it?!"

"You looking for aspirin?" He asked I nodded while he pointed over the the table.

There was two tablets with iced coffee. Quickly, I took them and hugged Dylan, "Thankyou,"

"No prob, and you are just in time for breakfast," He put two plates with bacon, pancakes and syrup on them.

"Omg this looks amazing!"

We both sat down and scoffed down our food.

"What do you wanna do today?"  He asked swallowing a giant peice of pancake.

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