Chapter 41: Writing back

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Dear Father,

I decided I will meet up with you. I've recently realised all we have is time and it runs out quickly.

Meet me at your house 13 Friday 2pm

Love, Aria

I sighed and put the letter in an envelope- Sealing it with a stamp.

My phone rang it read Dyl. Waiting for it to ring out, I got a knock at the door.

It was Shelley holding a bunch of snacks. Opening it, she hugged me like her life depended on it. 

We sat on the couch and she poured out her bag of goods, "I was thinking we could chill and eat junk food,"

"Sounds like a plan," My eyes were still blood shot and my outfit was damp still but she didn't care.

She opened the food as I put on a movie I found in one of the cupboards.

However it ended with us just talking, "But do you still like him?"

"Feeling just don't go away... Of course I love him but could I ever forgive him?"

Forgive but never forget

"It's up to you girly but he is a great guy,"

-Dylan's POV-

After Aria walked off I sat on the floor not caring I was getting soaked.

I didn't even have time to think about what was happening. It was just all to fast and now I've lost the one thing I love the most.

After around 15 minutes, T-pose sat next to me, "Hey sorry bro for punching you,"

"I deserved it," I sighing putting my hands in my head.

"But you have to do something about Ari, she loves you still," He added looking up at me.

My eyes glistened with hope, "She still loves me? I don't know how to get her back,"

"Well that part is up to us. We need to win her back!"


Me and Ty made it back to the set and saw Addi trying on costumes with Holland.

She laughed in the mirror as she put on a hat and it fell down past her nose.

Her boyfriend smiled at them as we made our way over.

"Hey guys, we need your help," Tyler said kissing Addison on the cheek.

"What with?" Holl asked taking of a purple scarf.

"Wining Aria back. I can't let her go, ever. She is the love of my life," The two girls both awed and I rolled my eyes.

"Well she loves white and red roses so you should get her that," She commented as I made a mental note in my head.

"And her favourite movie is 21 Jump Street," 

I thanked them and headed to the shop with Tyler.

We got their and looked around for roses. All of a sudden I saw Brenda down the isle, "Oh no,"

"What's wrong? He asked as I stood behind him.

"Brenda she is over there," I sighed, looking around for flowers while facing the opposite way to her.

"Incoming! The rat is coming over," Ugh, could this day get any worse.

"Omg hey. Fancy seeing you here," She chewed on her gum abnoxously loud making me cringe.

"Yeah..What are you doing here?" Tyler said in an annoyed tone moving away like she was an infection.

"Just shopping," I looked in her basket and saw a pregnancy test. My heat dropped. Was she going to have my child?

"Uh- well we will be on our way now bye," I grabbed his arm and rushed away the colour dissapearing from my face.

"Dude are you good?" He asked getting the roses from the black plant pot.

"Um. Yeah great,"  

Once we got everything I went up to her hotel room, knocked on the door, put the flowers on the floor and hide behind a wall.

When she opened it her face was all red from crying and she had a tissue up her sleeve. What have I done?

Aria slightly smiled when she read the note on the side of one of the flowers.

I'm sorry, Tôrrez. I will do anything to get you back. I love you, Dylan.

 The small smile on her face gave me butterflies and made my heart skip a beat.

I ached for her touch, to smell her, to make her laugh. 

Making my way back to the trailer to get ready to shoot a scene my phone buzzed. It was from Shelley 'She loves you too'.

I just want to help her. Aria must be going through so much and I should be there instead of  making things worse.


This chapter is only 800 words but I plan for the next one to be way longer. I've got the next two weeks off for christmas so I will be updating much more often.

Ty for reading.

Comment any ideas I have writers block thx :)

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