Chapter 50: Some People Never Change

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-Aria's POV-

"She left around the same time you did. I just assumed you were together but I guess not," He explained not caring to talk about her.

"How can you just sit here. Talk about her with not an ounce of worry. What if she is hurt somewhere?" I said my voice raised slightly.

"She is the one who left me! I've moved on you should to,"

The same glass of brown liquor sat on the desk. Bourbon. Guess people do never change.

"We maybe she left because you abused us," I murmured looking at the floor.

"I never abused you or her! How could you say that?" Deep down he knew he did. My father just didn't want to face the truth.

"Oh, so all the times I had to cover the marks you left on me so no one would ask  'Aria where did you get that hand print across your face from' or when I had to stay up with mother because she wouldn't stop crying. But you don't remember that. You know why? Because you were drunk most of the time!" I exclaimed moving to the door.

"Get your ass back here. Don't you ever speak to me like that again," He stood up and looked me directly in the eye.

"I guess you forgot: I don't live here anymore. If you ever hurt my sister I will come for you," My teeth were gritted together as I opened the door, "Oh wait one more thing,"

I grabbed the glass of alcohol and downed it in one gulp. Slamming it down on the table, I added, "Some people will never change,"

My head hurt from the thought of him hitting Lizzie the way he hit me.

When I left Cassie came up to me and passed me a envelope "Here this is an invitation to the wedding. I hope I'll see you there,"

"I'll try my best to make it," I took it and picked up the card her daughter made me, "Tell Lizzie I said bye,"

With that I left and drove back to my apartment.

-Dylan's POV-

I felt terrible.

One stupid mistake has cost me the love of my life.

Not seeing her has made my heart ache.

I've went over every scenario in my head. Every one ends badly.

But I couldn't just sit around waiting for something to happen.

I put on my shoes and drove over to her apartment.

Taking a few deep breaths, I knocked on the door. She answered it and went to shut it but I put my foot in the way.

"Can I talk to you please?" I asked not looking at her.

"Hurry up, I don't have time for this rubbish," She said impatiently opening the door.

We sat down on the couch, keeping some distance.

"I just wanted to say sorry. I'm so sorry Tórres,"

"Dylan I've had one of the worst days and-," She went to say but I cut her off.

Comic ComOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora