Chapter 18: Rushing Around

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I rolled my eyes and pulled back a little, "You want more kisses?" Moving closer I whispered, "Not gonna happen,"

"That's not very nice, you seemed like you wanted to earlier after we had ice cream," He recalled.

"You mean when you had me pinned to the wall? Yeah, I definitely wanted to kiss you," I said in a sarcastic voice with me still leaning over him.

"I know, deep deep down somewhere in your heart you wanted to!" Dylan exclaimed looking at me.

"Well I guess you will never know," A smile crept up onto my lips.

He cupped my face with his cold hands as I stared into his eyes, "Do I still have a hint of gold, Torres?"

"Maybe," I replied softly.

Slowly, Dylan put one hand on my hip, the other remained on my face while he smiled.

My heart began to beat faster and faster as he moved even closer to me. He sat up more slightly and pressed his lips against mine while I completely melted into it. My heart raced faster than before as our kiss deepened.

I pulled away and placed my forehead on his, "Better now?" I asked as we both smiled.

"A little," He murmured as I lay on his chest while he played with my hair.

"Only a little?"

He didn't answer but carried on stroking my hair through his hand. We carried on cuddling for about ten minutes, until I sat up.

Dylan sat up after me, "Hey come back. I liked that!"

"I need to go to bed and sleep!" I stood up and walked over to my bedroom door and smile at Dylan who was sitting on the sofa.

"A little longer... Please," He begged.

"Nope," I walked through my door and went over to my bed. Then I climbed in and got under the light pink covers. Once I did that, I grabbed my remote of my desk and turned on Netflix. Hearing footsteps I looked over, and saw Dylan leaning on the doorway wall of my room.

"May I come in?" He questioned politely.

"Only because you asked," I said with a smile as he walked over to my bed and sat up next to me.

"What are you watching?" 

"Ten things that annoy me, surprisingly the first one was you!" I answered while he chuckled. I laid my head down on his shoulder. He looked down at me with admiration and wrapped his arm around me as I snuggled in more next to him.

"I like this," He commented.

"What should we watch?"  I wondered flicking through loads of films.

"How about this one?" He pointed to one while I clicked play.

We cuddled, talked and laughed throughout the whole movie. After it  finished, I turned my body to face his , "Time for you to go on the couch!" 

However, Dyl's wraps his arms around me tightly, not letting me move , "Fine I'll leave if you can break out of my hold," He raised a eyebrow with a grin.

"Okay... what's the catch?"

"There isn't one!" He exclaimed as he grabbed both of my hands into one while his arm went around my waist. I tried, with all my might, to break free. Twisting and turning but nothing worked so after a few minutes I gave up.

"Fine! You can stay on that side," I pointed over to the left side of the bed.

"Deal!" I could tell he was impressed with himself for not letting go, to think about it I'm not that strong compared to him anyway.

Eventually, I fell asleep. Around the middle of the night, he cuddled up next to me while I was still fast asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and yawned, "What time is it?"

"Hm what?" Dylan said half asleep.

"Where is my phone?"

"Where did you last have it?" His morning voice gave me butterflies but I pushed them out the way.

"If I knew where I had it I wouldn't be looking for it!" I sighed and got out of the bed. Then I walked over to the living room and looked over at the clock on the white wall ,"Oh no! I'm gonna be late!" The filming of the show started at 12:30 sharp, It was currently 11:21.

Running over to my bedroom, I headed straight to my closet and began rummaging through all my clothes.

"Where is it!" I shouted as I ran around my room like a headless chicken.

"Where's what? What's wrong, Torres?" The young man asked with no clue what was going on.

"The show of course! It starts in like an hour and it's a 45 minute drive! I can't find my dress!" I explained talking fast, walking away from him. 

He looked around the room and saw a few dresses on the chair that goes with my desk, "Maybe over there,"

Quickly, I walked over to where he was pointing and saw my dress laying on the chair, "Oh thank goodness!" A smile appeared on my face and walked over to Dylan ," Thankyou!" I hugged him tightly.

"Yeah no problem!" He responded with a smirk.

"Okay, now please get out," I said grabbing my dress.

"What why?" He frowned thinking he did something wrong.

"Well unless you want to see me without any clothes on," I said looking at him.

"I mean..." He trailed off.

I rolled my eyes, "Get out Dyl," I pushed his out the door and closed it behind me. After a few minutes, I open it in my dress, "I have to do my hair and then I'll be ready," I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the curling tongs. Once I finished curling my hair, I put on some makeup. Then I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup from the side and poured some coffee into it. After, I slipped some shoes on and took my purse of the side as I looked at the time which now said 11:58.

I plodded into the living room where Dylan was sitting. The dress I wore was sage green, tight, short and has a slit up the side.

"Woah!" His jaw literally dropped at the sight of me.

I blushed slightly and took a gulp of my coffee, "Come on or I am going to be late,"

He continued to just sit there and stare at me.

"Dyl! Come on!" I moved my hand around to signal come on.

"Oh right yeah..." He got up and walked over to me and went out the door as I followed behind.


Thx for reading! I thought this chapter was so cute and I hope you are enjoying it :)💕

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