Chapter fifteen

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Hey readers :)

I have had to do this chapter in two parts. However, before you all  go hating me lol I will be uploading the 2nd part tomorrow :)


My story I FAKE THAT SMILE has made the watty awards finalists :) This is my first time entering so please vote for me, as all votes will be very much appreciated! All you have to do to vote is click on the link below and then select adventure, I'm under on the rise.

Thanks a million  Much <3 and apprecaition Mel x

Desperately Seeking My Mate

Chapter fifteen  

 Engulfed by so much pain I couldn’t breathe. A big clump of concrete landed on my chest knocking the wind clean out of me. With my lungs burning from a lack of air, I tried to take in a deep breathe. However, as I went to take in a deep breath a hand clasped over my mouth stopping me from breathing. It was as if alarm bells were ringing in my ears, as the fear of dying struck me. Kicking, punching I was trying everything to break free. However, my entire body was sinking fast into the blackness. My lungs screamed out for air but with his hand still tightly covering my mouth and nose, it was virtually impossible.

An Ice-cold feeling shot through my entire body making me gasp. I could feel my lungs fill with a small amount of air. Nonetheless, it was enough to ease the extreme burning of my lungs, but not enough to carry on breathing. I tried screaming out but it was as if my body and mind were in two different places at once.  

Hearing the sounds of flesh being clawed at and ripped to shreds, as well as the howls of pain, was killing me. Struggling, I tried my hardest to stop my body from trembling but the intense pain that was shooting throughout my body was making it impossible. I couldn’t  take the cries of pain in the background anymore. It was worse than even my nightmares. After all, the evil ones wanted me. Not the innocent werewolves that were fighting to save my life.

Fighting mentally with myself to blank everything out was proving impossible.  The office was like a complete war zone. Both body’s human and werewolf were lying limp on the floor or fighting. If it hadn’t of been for Richard shifting me to the corner of the room I would’ve probably of being killed by now. But then again I don’t think I would’ve been that lucky either. After all what use would I be to them then? I thought to myself.

After a while, I actually managed to zone out enough to call upon the goddess. I asked her to grant me strength, as Paul had taught me earlier. After numerous of failed attempts I finally succeeded. Feeling the strength and power alight inside me was strange but thrilling at the same time.

 First, my body filled with such intense heat that I felt as if I was on fire, then as quick as I set alight a cool breeze washed over me. I could feel the strength inside me as it took away the excruciating pain. My body was still shaking but with the pain gone, it was slowly calming down. Finding my balance, I slowly went to stand up. However, as I soon as I got up onto my feet I was thrown across the room awaiting for the pain to hit was petrifying as I knew there was only so much my body could take. Even with my extra elemental strength. Squeezing my eyes shut, I wrapped my arms tightly around my waist and chest hoping to protect myself.  I really wished at that moment I had my wolf at least I could help fight or something. “JASMINE!” I heard someone screaming but I was too late by the time I had opened my eyes I landed right into the evil ones opened arms. On instinct, I kneed him hard right between the legs. Feeling his hold on me loosen, I took full advantage in making my escape.

Knowing damn well that it wouldn’t keep him down for long, I raised my hands out in front of me, directing them right at him. Seeing him staggering his way towards me, I began to shake losing all concentration. However, I knew this was my one and probably only chance to kill him. I quickly called for the air element, knowing I could control it better than all of the other elements. Taking in a deep breathe I could feel the coolness engulf me as well as the tingles.  Memorized by the overwhelming feeling I went to drop my hands down by my side. However, as I breathed in, I got a strong whiff of his disgusting body odour and before I knew it, his hands grabbed onto my hips from the back of me. Leaving out a terrifying scream, I spun around  my hands glowed bright as I pushed against his chest as hard as I could. Amazed as well as shocked I just stood there staring as I watched him fly across the room. His body went crashing straight through the wall landing into a heap on the floor.

Excitement and adrenaline kicked in by what I had just done. It seemed to encouraged me more than I ever thought possible. The buzz it gave me felt so thrilling I wanted more. Without a second thought I charged at him again, only this time he managed to disappear before I could got to him. Frustrated by his escape, I started to get more and more angered, which was the one thing Paul had repeatedly told me not to do. As in his own words, “fighting evil with anger will only fuel his powers making him completely unstoppable. However, I couldn’t help myself.  “JASMINE BEHIND YOU” I heard someone scream out. Panicked by whomever shouted I Spun around as fast as I could only to come face to face with my worst enemy. I pushed  him off the same as I did before, only this time he was ready for me. Grabbing hold of both my hands in just one of his he flung me onto the floor with  both of my arms pinned roughly above my head. Making visions of my worst nightmares came flooding back. So panicked by the position he had me in I lost all focus on my element.

 Screaming and kicking I tried everything to block out the visions. Nevertheless, I was so scared that I couldn’t. My entire body shuddered in disgust and fear as he heavily breathed down on my face. His dark eyes held so much lust it was as if he was drooling. “Oh  Jasmine I finally get you. Hmm you not only smell sweet and ripe but you look beautiful too.” He said as he leaned down to kiss me. Shaking my head frantically from side to side, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. I hated how weak and pathetic he made me feel.

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