Chapter 11

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The footman offers to take me back to the spot on the beach where he picked me up, but I insist that he drops me off just on the outskirts of Kephia, to let me walk the rest of the way. As spectacular as the Higher Tier was, I am happy to get my feet back onto Middle Tier ground.

I try and keep the smile from creeping onto my face as I stroll back home, but it's putting up quite a fight. I know people will be watching me closely to see if they can get a read on how well my meeting went, but I'm not going to give them a single hint. I have to admit, it's thrilling to keep it as my little secret for now.

Thoughts of the meeting whirl around in my head, like flashing images and sounds that I let play on a loop in my mind. Cesare's kind nature, the traditions of the Higher Tier, the funny clothes that they all wear up there; it is enough to make anyone's head go into a spin. I'm happy to let it. Everything was perfect, it went exactly as it did in the stories, when the prince and princess finally meet. However, instead of finding true love, the princess is rescued from a monstrous hell and given a chance to live, rather than survive.

That's the dream, at least.

I reach the first set of stairs that lead up to my house when I see Kya walking up the slope from the beach, carrying a handful of wrapped-up fish. She must have just finished work. She lights up when she sees me and sprints up the rest of the slope, no doubt eager to hear how my meeting went.

"Well, if it isn't Lady Savanna," She sings, proudly. "How did it go with his Lordship?"

For the first time, I don't know what to say about a meeting. Do I tell her the truth? If I do, and then Cesare proposes to someone else; I'm going to look like an idiot. However, she is my best friend, and even though I want to keep the news to myself, we tend to tell each other everything.

"Ok, I think," I say, choosing a vague response.

"Wow, it must have gone well for you to say that," She chirps, genuinely impressed. I guess after years and years of bad meetings, one being described as 'ok' is a big step up from the usual response. "What was he like?"

"Not what I expected," I say, unsure how else I can describe Cesare. People on the Higher Tier have always been like gods to us, celestial begins that are untouchable. Yet, Cesare seems so normal. If it wasn't for his fancy clothes and wealthy background, he could easily pass for someone in our Sector, Or someone high up, at least. "We actually had a conversation."

She laughs, teasing me, "That's normally what happens in those meetings."

I roll my eyes, "No, I mean, he wanted me to ask questions about him."

"What did you talk about?" She asks, taken back. Meetings are habitually so stiff and rigid, like the one I had with Marcus Alexander. But this one with flowed. There were no awkward pauses, no moments where I felt uncomfortable or confused, we were just talking, getting to know each other. If only all meetings were like that.

"Higher Tier girls, his job, the Middle Tier," I list off the topics, not wanting to go into too much detail.

"Sounds thrilling," She says, arching an eyebrow. I know she wants me to give her more, but she is just going to have to wait like everyone else. "Do you think he will propose to you?"

"It's very unlikely." I shrug. "He said that girls are trained to be wives up there. I can't compete with that."

You would think with all the practice I have had over the years, with all the other meetings; I would be an expert by now. Maybe an expert in messing things up, perhaps. If Cesare doesn't choose me and I get sent down to the Lower Tier, I wouldn't be surprised if my meeting notes get used in classrooms as examples of what not to do. They would be very educational, to say the least.

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