Chapter 19

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Riding a horse is a lot harder than I expected. Everyone I've seen makes it look so easy, as if it's just second nature, but it's far from it. I thought I'd just saddle up, pull a few reins and then Speranza would move. Turns out I have to squeeze my legs, engage my core and follow the motions of the seat; I don't even know what half of that means! Luckily for me, my trainer is patient and we go over everything until I'm confident with the movements...or as confident as I am going to get on my first lesson. Though, by the end of the session, I can get Speranza to walk forwards without her throwing me off, so I call that a successful day.

When the sun looms over us at its highest point, my trainer decides it's time to finish. For an activity where you are sat the majority of the time, most of the muscles in my body ache beyond function. Even my arms hurt when I dismount and lower myself to the ground. I hadn't even realised I was using them.

As if on cue, my stomach starts to rumble, and my hunger settles in. Whilst the portion sizes are unarguable huge up here, I still find myself hungry. I'm struggling to get used to the rich flavours of Higher Tier food and can only subject myself to a few spoonfuls at a time, without upsetting my stomach. Maybe I can sneak down to the pantry later and whip up a small bowl of something when nobody is looking. Though, since our little argument in the corridors, Signora Russo has been watching me like a hawk - even more than usual. During my lesson, I could see her standing in one of the villa's windows staring at me. Perhaps she is keeping an eye out, in case I decide to pop up from behind her and attack.

Luca meets me inside the stables, whilst I finish tending to Speranza, smiling at me as he draws near. "I am impressed, land fisher," He states, leaning his shoulder on the side of the stall. "I was under the impression you'd be too used to riding dolphins to understand a horse."

I'm not fond of his chosen nickname for me. Hopefully, he will tire of it soon, or at least come up with something more creative.

"I see you are on babysitting duties again." I ignore his playful jab. I'm absolutely certain that when he started working for Cesare, looking after his wife was not in the initial job description.

"I thought you might want some food. There is a great spot at the top of the gardens where you can look over the trees and see the entire capital," He says, holding up a basket of fruit and pastries. "Plus, I have a gift for you. Think of it as a belated birthday present."

He hands me a parcel, wrapped in white material, that he was hiding behind his back. I glance at him suspiciously, curious as to what he has gotten me, and why.

I unwrap the present and I'm shocked by what I find. "Luca, you shouldn't have." Laughing, I hold a pair of brown leather sandals, just like the ones I had back home. "I didn't realise they had anything like these up here. Where did you find them?"

"I know a man who knows a man." He shrugs, brushing off his statement like it doesn't matter.

Whoever it is, he is amazing.

"Well, tell your man's man, thank you," I say. He nods, smiling at me, pleased that I'm happy with my gift.

"Are you going to try them on? I didn't get you them just to look at," He teases me.

I roll my eyes, before taking off my shoes and replacing them with my new ones. The comfort of them is unbelievable; they are like walking on piles of silk compared to the death traps that I have been forced to wear the past couple of days.

"How are they?"

"I am never taking them off," I tell him, beaming in absolute bliss. Nothing can be better than this.


We walk to the spot that he mentioned before and take a seat on a small stone bench that is placed between two rose bushes. He wasn't exaggerating when he said you can see the entire capital. Miles and miles of it lay out in front of our eyes, stretching in every direction until it meets the horizon. It looks beautiful, far more vibrant and livelier than anything in the village back home. You can't help but be happy when you look at it, everything is just so breathtaking.

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