Chapter 28

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Eliza introduces me to almost every female who's attended the party, claiming that each one has the potential to be invited to my baby shower. Most are polite and strike up a conversation, whilst others force a civil expression onto their faces, making an effort to tolerate me.

'Making an effort' being an over-exaggeration.

One lady disapprovingly narrowed her eyes at me, before asking Eliza why she was introducing her maid. Eliza quickly explains that I'm not her maid and that I am, in fact, married to Cesare. The lady brushes me off, stating she doesn't have time for politics - a discussion I wasn't even aware we were having in the first place - before carrying on her conversation with her friends.

So, to say it isn't going as well is an understatement.

"You will love this next girl," Eliza insists, dragging me away from one of her friends mid-conversation. She has said that before every woman I have met this evening, and we haven't shared the same opinion once. Clearly, we both have varying standards when it comes to people's personalities. "She is a newlywed, just like you, married to my husband's cousin from the Ricci Sector. You might not like him as much; he is a bit of a bore."

She waves across the room to a girl who looks slightly familiar. Her blonde hair is pulled tightly in a ring around her head, and her cheeks are painted with an obscene amount of red powder, making her look slightly like a clown.

"Veronica." Eliza greets her, pulling her into a hug, before kissing her on both cheeks. Even close up, I struggle to figure out where I know her from, but I definitely recognise her face. It is ingrained in my memories somewhere, but I can't quite place it.

"Eliza, it is so lovely to see you again." The girl beams. Her grin is smug and arrogant, I can tell she thrives off the admiration.

Pulling me to her side, Eliza says, "I would like to introduce you to someone. Veronica, this is Lady Savanna Pernice."

The girl's proud smirk suddenly drops and replaces itself with a wicked scowl, sparking a memory from the deepest part of my mind. I have seen this look once before and knew back then I would never forget it. She is the girl in the corridor, from the meeting house, when I first met Cesare. The one who kept looking at me out of the corner of her eyes. I didn't think I would ever see her again.

"Lady Pernice." She recomposes herself, sheathing at the fact she is obligated to curtsy to me. "I was curious to who had won Lord Pernice's heart. We attended the same meeting. Surely you remember me?"

Beaming at her graciously, I lie, "Not in the slightest." If looks could kill, I would definitely be dead.

"Veronica, Lady Pernice is truly delightful company," Eliza sings, thinking she's playing the perfect matchmaker. "I know for certain you two will get on like a house on fire."

With the look Veronica is giving, I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did set the house on fire, just to get her revenge on me.

"If she has your seal of approval, I'd be shocked if we didn't," She says, through gritted teeth.

All three of us laugh.

To the outside, we probably look like three friends enjoying our time socialising at a party, but in reality, I'm just trying to survive long enough to avoid Veronica ripping my off my head. I never thought that there was a possibility to bump into one of those girls again, which I realise now, was a stupid thing to think. It's unsettling to meet her again, yet rather thrilling. She was a girl who outranked me when we first met, and now, she's beneath my status. It's the first time I have really felt the benefit of my title, and I have to admit, I quite liked it.

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