Chapter 27

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Eliza sends me back to the villa shortly after we finished the pitcher of wine. She insists that I need to start getting ready for the party immediately, so I look my best when I meet all her friends. The party doesn't start for another four hours, so I find it hard not to take offence to the implication. Still, she's been kind to me over the past couple of days, so if she wants me to look breathtaking, I will do it for her.

I anticipated Signora Russo to be sulking at the top of the villa's front steps, waiting for me to get back. I'm pleased to see she is nowhere in sight. Lately, she's been leaving me alone, only bothering me when she absolutely has to. I prefer it that way. The less time I spend with her, the better.

The only thing worse than bumping into her at the moment is crossing paths with Cesare. I have to resort to sneaking through the villa, just in case he hears me return and insists that we speak about last night. I know at some point we will need to, especially if we have to put our best faces on this evening. But until then, I want to avoid him for as long as possible.

I reach the second floor, heading towards my dressing room, when I hear voices around the corner. It takes all my strength not to run in the other direction, fearing it's the very person I'm trying to hide from. However, I'm happy I stand my ground when I see who it is.

"Luca!" I beam, running up to him and pulling him into a tight hug. The servant he was talking to blushes and swiftly makes his exit. "When did you get back?"

"This morning," He moans, wincing under the pressure of my arms.

"I'm so sorry, are you alright?" I quickly pull away. His hand rests on the side of his ribs, implying they are what took the brunt of his attack.

"Yes, I am fine," He assures me. Even in agonising pain, he's still able to put on a smile.

"They said you were hurt," I tell him, wishing there was something I could do to help.

A frown fixes onto his forehead, "They?"

Oh no. I guess he hasn't talked to Cesare since he returned. He has no clue about my recent revelation.

"Kel and Valeria," I reply. The happy expression falls from his face, as he catches onto what I'm talking about.

"You know," He sighs, his eye dropping to the floor. I only nod in response. "How did you find out?"

"They broke into the villa last night and Valeria kind of let it slip," I tell him. "I thought Cesare would have told you, by now."

Still unable to look me in the eyes, he replies, "No one has seen him. Apparently, he locked himself in his office this morning and has been in there ever since."

So, I'm not the only one who has been in hiding all day.

"We got into an argument about it last night," I inform him, slightly embarrassed about how childish it sounds, "we haven't spoken to each other since." A sigh of understanding brushes past Luca's lips. "I just wish he had told me."

"He thought he was protecting you." He defends his friend. "You just moved to a new place, started a new life, he didn't want to burden you with it straight away."

I understand why Cesare may have thought that was a good idea, but it still doesn't change the fact that he should have told me. Married people, whether they love each other or not, tell each other everything. Or so I thought.

"I could have handled it," I protest.

"I know you could, but he would have been taking a big risk in telling you," He tells me. "You could have reported him to Octavia." 

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