Chapter 18

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When the night grows old and the guests prepare to leave, Cesare shows me to our room. Whilst we agreed that we would wait for the time that we both felt comfortable, we still had to put on a show for the staff and guests. They formed a tunnel for us with their arms, leading from the villa's garden, all the way up to the bedroom. Some even threw flowers above our heads, which fluttered down to our feet. It was an odd experience. I can't imagine it happening back home.

I have never shared a bed with anyone before - unless you count my sister - so it's very strange, to say the least. I am constantly aware of his presence, making it very hard to sleep. Every time I move, I think I'm going to wake him up or disturb him in some way, but he just sleeps through the night.

I wonder if he has done it before.

Eventually, I drift off, only to be woken up by the rising sun and the sound of birds chirping outside the window a few hours later. Cesare isn't here. He has probably run off, doing whatever he usually did before I arrived. He always seems to be busy doing something. How he found it so easy to leave his bed when it's this comfy is beyond me. When I close my eyes, I can pretend I'm lying on a cloud, wrapped up warm, floating high up in the sky. It makes it incredibly difficult to start my day, I would lie here forever if I could. Signora Russo is lucky she no longer has control over my every movement because not even she could drag me out from underneath the covers. If she tried, I would give her a swift kick to the face.

However, the temptation to explore this place is too strong and I'm eager to search every inch of it. I didn't get much of a chance to look at the villa yesterday, I was too distracted with the wedding and the guests, so I'm not going to waste the opportunity. I climb out of bed and pull on one of Cesare's jackets over my nightdress and set off around the villa.

Everything is so beautiful. Each wall is decorated with golden frames, holding portraits of men and women, whose eyes follow you as you walk past, all bearing a resemblance to Cesare. They have the same curly black hair and the kind features as he does, each with a proud expression on their faces.

All the furniture is built out of the same shiny wood as his office in the meeting house, but the chandeliers are made of diamonds and crystals instead of iron. The chairs are covered in silk and the floors are made of marble, with each window stretching from the floor to the ceiling, giving you a perfect view of the gardens below.

I look outside, taking in the beautiful sights of the flowers, fountains, and trees, unable to fathom that this is where I now live. It goes without saying that I miss my home, my friends, and my family, but even I have to admit it's great not waking up with sand and salt clinging to every inch of my body.

Just a few feet below me, I spot Cesare and Luca in the middle of the stone pathways, sparing. Both of them are equipped with swords in their hands, swinging blows at one another. They throw playful insults, laughing at one another, as if they are two children play fighting. The sight of them brings a smile to my face. It makes me wonder what they were both like growing up. I can picture them walking the streets of the Capital, people swooning as they passed by, both of them enjoying the attention that they received. If Signora Russo was around during their childhood, they would have driven her insane with the mischief they got up to. Maybe they are the reason she is constantly in such a foul mood.

I wonder, would the three of us have been friends if I had been born on the Higher Tier? I guess it would all depend on my family and upbringing. I know Luca isn't a Lord, but his family is clearly high status, otherwise, he and Cesare wouldn't know each other. It's strange to think how different my life could have been if I was born somewhere else - if I had been dealt the lucky hand.

I could have stood by the window and watched Cesare and Luca for hours if Signora Russo hadn't caught me daydreaming in the corridor. All in a fluster, she barks at me, "What do you think you are doing standing about like this? And in your underwear no less." 

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