Chapter 22

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Before mine and Cesare's big romantic night, I wanted to fetch a few things from the market square. He insists that the servants can go out and get whatever I need, but I tell him I want to do it myself. I have spent twenty-one years of my life doing things on my own, I don't see the point in changing that now. That's what I told him, at least. In reality, I just wanted some time for myself, to mentally prepare for the evening ahead. I'd always thought that once you were married, sleeping with your husband just became a natural desire, but as lovely as Cesare is, it still hasn't happened for me. Maybe after the first time, things will be different and it's just my nerves getting in the way.

I pray to the gods that's the reason - for my own sake.

I'm never going to get used to the disgusted glares from the other wives. They couldn't make their hatred for me more obvious if they tried. Every single one of them looks down their noses as they saunter by, or whispers in their friend's ear when they see me drawing close. I have always known there is a divide amongst the Tiers, but I never thought it was bad enough that even when I became one of them, they would continue to snub me. Maybe I should have taken Cesare's advice and given one of the maids a list of things that I needed, just to avoid their narrow eyes.

I glance down at a necklace on one of the market stalls, its jewels sparkling back up at me, when I notice a figure strolling close to my position. I look up from the jewellery to see a stunning lady who I haven't been introduced to yet. She is older than me, only by ten years at the very most, with the most beautiful glossy red hair and brown eyes; she looks like a statue of a goddess in a temple back home. At first, I think she is admiring the jewellery like I am, so it surprises me when she begins to talk.

"Don't worry, you get used to it," She states.

I'm confused by what she means at first, but with one flick of her eyes, she draws my attention to a pair of women staring at me a few stalls down. As soon as I make eye contact with them, they drop their gaze and shuffle away. At least I know I'm not being paranoid.

"I can only hope," I reply. "I have never liked being the centre of attention."

"It won't last long. You are just a new face, after a couple of galas and parties, you will blend in with the rest of us." The lady beams. Her teeth are so perfect and white, that I suddenly become very self-conscious about my own. "I am Elisavet Bianchi, by the way. But my friends call me Eliza," She introduces herself, holding out her hand.

Shaking it, I reply, "I'm Savanna Lykaios...Pernice." I really need to work on using my new last name, otherwise, people might start to think I'm not as committed to my marriage as I'm supposed to be.

"You are quite the talk of the town, Savanna. I have been rather excited to meet you," She informs me, only filling me with more dread. I don't even want to know what people are saying about me. Their disapproving glares give a good enough picture.

"You have?" I question.

"Naturally. It's not very often that a Middle Tier girl moves up here. We have to stick together," She answers. I have to stop my shock from hitting me in the face.

"You're from the Middle Tier, too?" I ask.

It has to be a lie, there is no chance that she isn't Higher Tier born and bred. She fits in perfectly with the other wives. She has their elegance, their poise; I stick out like a sore thumb that has been broken in several places. I don't even compare to her, not in a single way.

"I am," She assures me. "My father worked in one of the villages in the Southern Sector. The one where all the buildings have funny-looking windows."

I had never left Kephia's perimeters before my meeting with Cesare, so I have no idea what she is talking about. Yet, she says she is from the Middle Tier, so I have no choice but to believe her. It's not something a true Higher Tier citizen would ever want to admit.

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