Chapter 30

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The journey from the Middle to Higher Tier was long, so Higher to Lower is going to be even longer. On top of that, we are having to take detours to avoid being seen by anyone who could want to turn us into Queen Octavia, which only piles on the hours. Even Speranza is struggling to walk through the forest terrain and is tiring quickly. Mix the two together and we will be lucky if we make it by sunset tomorrow.

Cesare leads the way, weaving around tree after tree, as if he knows exactly where he is going. It's impossible that he does, every tree looks the same, even the most skilled traveller would struggle to navigate their way. Still, I trust he knows what he is doing, or he mostly does, at least.

"Do you know someone on the Lower Tier who can help us?" I ask him, curious as to why he thinks it's the safest place for us to go. After years of horror stories, I would think it was anything but. Though, with facing Kanan being our only other option, I'm willing to give it a chance.

"A man called Matteo," He replies. "He used to live on the Higher Tier before he got branded."

I remember Kel mentioning a man called Matteo. He's the one who patched up Luca when he got injured after the ambush. I wonder what got him branded? If he is a criminal, how do we know we can trust him? I've heard about the people who live on the Lower Tier, all criminals and thugs who have no respect for the law. I'm not even aware if there are any laws down there to begin with.

"What did he do?" I question.

"It's complicated," Cesare answers.

Complications and lies appear to be Cesare's speciality. Once I found out about one, they all seem to be unravelling around him. I'm shocked that I hadn't noticed it before. I don't know how he's able to keep up with all the lies he's told, or the secrets he hides. I would struggle to keep a grasp on what's fiction and what is reality.

"How is he going to help us?" I push him for more answers.

He's lucky that I'm even trusting him after everything that has happened between us - a sane person would have probably run for the hills by now. Though, he has saved my life on several occasions. Maybe I should cut him some slack.

"He runs a safe village down there, for people who have nowhere left to go," He explains. That definitely sounds like a place for us. "It should give us a hideout for a while, until we get something figured out."

Should? That isn't exactly encouraging. What if this man slams the door right in our faces? Where do we go then? Plus, I've been recently enlightened to the company that Cesare keeps, I wouldn't be surprised if he worked for the Resistance too. He did help Luca after his supply run went south, what is there to stop him from helping the others?

"What if Queen Octavia's guards come looking for us?" I ask.

Or worse, Kanan.

There is no way he will let us leave and go into hiding quietly. The second he finds out we are gone; he will hunt us down like wild animals.

"Luca is going to distract them," He says.

"And if he can't?" I press.

It's scary to think about, but we would be stupid not to. If I have learnt anything on the Higher Tier, it's that plans don't stick. We could follow this one step by step, but still end up somewhere completely different than we intended. We need to be adaptable and prepare for the unexpected. Queen Octavia and Kanan are going to throw everything they have at us, especially if they find out about Cesare's betrayal. An example will be made of us if we are caught.

I refuse to end up like my sister.

I would do anything to have Ana by my side right now. I still have no clue if my family know about her death, or if they ever will. I can't imagine living my life with such uncertainty, especially when complete strangers know that she will never return. They deserve to know; it's only fair.

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