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The next morning, (Y/n) and Wesley were awoken by the god awful screeching of her alarm.

Groaning, she rolls over and slams a hand on top of it to shut it up. She sits up and Wesley moves, wrapping his arms around her stomach and pressing his cheek against her lower back. "Five more minutes," he mumbles.

Turning, she ruffles his hair and kisses the top of his head. "You can sleep in if you want to. Just make sure you're ready to leave at any moment."

He shakes his head and pulls himself into her lap, confidence he never knew he would have showing through in his sleepiness. "No, with you. You're comfy."

She smiles and gives him an extra long hug. "But I have to get ready."


Signing, she shakes her head with a smile and unlatches his arms from around her waist and stands up.

"(Y/n)," he whines and then his eyes widen a little bit. "I- I mean.. well, um," he looks away, scratching his head. Did she want him to call her mistress? He felt bad not giving her a respectful title. Would she get mad at him for that?

"Huh?" She was confused.

"Well, by standard.. we're supposed to call you master or mistress or whatever other title you desire... but I just- I didn't know if," he trails off, poking his two pointer fingers together.

"Nah don't worry about it. Just call me whatever, okay?"

He grins and crawls over to the other side of the bed to retrieve his glasses. "You're the best!"

Grabbing some clothes, the human heads off to take a shower and do her morning routine, if you could call it a routine at all.

Once that was done, she sits down with her (coffee, tea, other drink you prefer) and just enjoys the peace and quiet.

The only reason it was quiet was because the only people awake were Wesley, Sami, and (Y/n). Trust me, if any of the others were awake (minus Tate and Spencer), it would be loud.

Wesley eventually stumbles in, accompanied by Sami. The blonde takes his seat in the recliner and giggles silently at Fox's sleeping position. Sami walks past the human, pats her head, and heads to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"You know, you don't have to do that Sami," she says, tilting her head back to look at him. She was referring to him always cooking food.

"I know. But I enjoy it, really."

"Whatever floats your boat."

Wesley falls asleep again and the human smiles fondly at him.

Time passed and it was time to wake the rest of the boys up. Breakfast was ready and it was nearing time for them to leave.

Sure, the house was only about three or fours hours away but her parents believed in being early rather than late. So that's why she had to wake up at the crack of dawn for no reason.

Standing up, (Y/n) puts her empty cup in the sink. She jumps when she feels arms wrap around her from behind and a chin rest on her shoulder.

"Hmm, it's too early," Thatcher says, closing his eyes and leaning some of his weight on her.

To his surprise, she just laughs softly and reaches a hand back to pat his cheek. "I know, I'm sorry."

His grip relaxes out of slight shock and she slips away, leaving him standing there. He puts a hand to his cheek, the shock fading away. He was so used to her just pushing him away and brushing off his suggestive comments.

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