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(Y/n) smiles to herself as he got off of the phone with her brother. Seeing as he would be coming over in an hour or two, she started fixing up the house a little. Not that there was much to do.

Sami playfully swatted her hands away from the couch cushions. "Stoppp, you don't need to that, (Y/n). I'll do it for you!"

"Hmm, okay I guess. I'll go get some snacks together," she says, swiftly walking into the kitchen.

"What's the occasion," Sami asks, fluffing pillows.

"Damien is going to be staying with us for a while," she says.

The human looks up as she hears Sami drop the pillow on the floor.

Said boy clears his throat and picks it up. "Ahem.. uh.. who's Damien?" He tried to settle the uneasy feeling in his stomach.

"Oh, I guess you don't remember. He's my brother," she goes back to arranging crackers, peanut butter, cheese, and grapes on a little plate. "He apparently got into a huge fight with our parents and needs somewhere to stay for bit. That's why I'm preparing all this. I hope it'll cheer him up a bit."

Sami smiles to himself. (Y/n) was so nice and caring.. she rarely ever thought about herself. She probably didn't even think about how much this inconveniences her.

So he felt bad when he had to enlighten her. "Um, where is he going to stay?"

(Y/n) pauses. "Ah.. I- didn't think of that," she sighs. Her home was already crowded..

Sami finishes fluffing the pillows and walks over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, we'll figure it out."

She nods and puts the plate on the kitchen table.

Just in time too, because the doorbell rang seconds after her hand left the plate.

"Jesus, he's early," she mumbles to herself as she walks over to the door.

"Who is it! Who is it!" Fox chants as he sprint into the foyer and wrenches the door open with an excited grin on his face.

(Y/n) sighs with a smile, looking at her brother who sweatdropped as Fox asked him fifty million questions.

"Alright, that's enough," she says, shooing him off. "Sorry about that.."

"It's.. alright, I suppose."

"Come on in. I have some snacks made if you'd like some. You can just put your stuff right there. We'll figure out where you'll sleep after you meet everyone. I know you've met them before but not officially."

"Right.." he looked around in distaste. Not to say that (Y/n)'s house was gross or anything. He just wasn't used to such a ah.. cozy home. Right, cozy..

He blinked as he walked into the living and saw seven pairs of eyes staring him down.

Spencer used his plushy to hide his face. Thatcher scoffed. "Who's this, babe?"

"This is Damien. And who the hell are you calling Babe?"

"You, doll face, who else," he says with a smirk, screeching and ducking as she throws a pillow at him.

"Now that that's dealt with, everyone meet Damien. You've all seen him before but I want you guys to officially meet."

Several of them wave at him. Sami steps forward and extends his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he says.

Damien nods, staring down at his hand for a second before shaking it. He immediately retracts his hand, not so discretely wiping his hand on his suit jacket.

"This is Sami. The one with the bear is Spencer. That's Fox, he greeted you at the door. The one who got a pillow to the face is Thatcher. That's Wesley, Tate. The grumpy one is Max. Cheer up, you debby downer. Anddd that's about it. Welcome to our humble abode."

"Fuck off," Max says before storming off to his safe haven. Aka the laundry room.

"Ah yes, thank you. It's very um.. humble."

"Ugh, loosen up dude. Just because I don't live in some mansion like you doesn't mean you have to get your panties in a twist," she jokes, shoving his shoulder.

"Right. My apologies," he grins at her but smooths back out his suit jacket.

The human looks back as her front door open and Eli the bodyguard walks through. She narrows her eyes.

"The fuck is he doing here?"

Damien looks confused. "Oh, he's my bodyguard, remember?"

"Hm.. you never said anything about him. Wait, why the fuck do you need a bodyguard inside my house??"

"He follows me everywhere. Anyway, which room will be mine?"

"About that.. I don't exactly have any free rooms. So," she turns to the boys, "you guys will have to discuss who will be willing to give up their room for a week or so."

Thatcher grins and walks over, slinging an arm around her. "I don't mind giving up mine if it means I can share a room with you~"

She shoves him off of her. "Yeah, no."

Damien frowns in disgust, quickly replacing it with a smile as (Y/n) looks at him.

"Anyway, I have to go run some errands. You guys figure out the room situation while I'm gone, okay?"

Damien watches as they crowd her, each of them wanting a hug.

I never knew she was so close to them, he thought. how disgusting..

"Bye, guys!"


"Come back soon!"

"Miss you already baby~"

The human flips him off before heading out.

As soon as the door clicks closed, Damien's demeanor changed.

"Eli, water," he demands, snapping at his bodyguard. A look of disgust settles on his face, like he was appalled to even be in the room.

He strolls around and looks into various rooms. He comes back into the living room.

"Alright. I'm taking the room at the end of the hallway. Whichever one of you.. creatures... lives in there better move all your shit."

And with that he strolls to said room, locking the door once Eli follows inside with his water.

"What the actual fuck was that," Thatcher says, shocked and a little bit annoyed.

Spencer frowns. "I don't like him.. he's mean."

Sami worriedly glances at the door, hoping you'd be back soon...


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