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The boys solemnly sat in the grass, huddled together as they watched the scene unfold in front of them.

Their human was in a screaming match with her father. Well, a one sided screaming match.

Her father remained almost emotionless, aggravating (Y/n) even further.

At some point, Damien arrived and attempted to separate them, but it only irked Lord (L/n).

A loud smack was heard as Damien toppled to the grass, holding his cheek in shock. Lady (L/n) stood there, hand still raised from the bitch slap as she glared down at her son. "You stay the hell out of it!"

(Y/n)'s anger surged even more. Their parents had sworn to never lay a hand on them.

Spencer winces into Sami as (Y/n) begins yelling again. The fighting continues.

Damien tried to pull his sister away but she pushed him off of her forcefully. She points an accusatory finger at him. "You're a part of this too!!"

Now all four of them are going at it. Accusations, slurs, and insults are thrown. Lady (L/n) storms back inside, yelling at (Y/n) to 'go back to her shitty house and starve'. Damien attempts to defend her but gets cut off by Lord (L/n).

"Hey, at least you'll know they've had experience when you get your filthy hands on them, you whore," he says in that same aggravatingly, calm voice. Except this time it was plagued by a knowing smirk.

"YOU BASTARD!!" Before Damien could stop her, she leaps at her father, making them both topple down to the floor. Bodyguards rush forward, dragging her off of him but not before she throws a punch.

Her father spits out blood, a cold, hard, terrifying glare being sent her way. "Dreadful child," he mumbles, taking out a handkerchief and wiping the blood spilling from his lip.

"YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM, YOU HEAR ME?!" She struggles against the guards, thrashing her body. She felt the need to protect her boys, felt like they needed her now more than ever. "Let me go," she growled out, going still. "Let. Me. Go."

"Were escorting you off the premises, miss. Your bags will be brought to your car."

"LET ME GO," she screams, kicking and thrashing.

Sami urges the others to go ahead and get in the car, heading back inside to grab her bags. Some of the servants shove her belongings into his chest, being unnecessarily forceful.

The boys were completely silent as they filed into the car, shifting and settling into the box in their cat forms.

(Y/n) slams her car door shut and pounds the steering wheel, finally calming down and resting her forehead against it. Tears spill down her cheeks silently.

Sami puts the bags in the back and climbs in, putting the box in his lap. He leans over and rubs her shoulder.

(Y/n) sniffles and sits up, wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispers out gruffly, her throat raw from screaming.

Sami shakes his head. "There's nothing to be sorry for.." he says, his voice just as quiet.

She doesn't say anything else, instead settling for starting the car.

The human was obviously still angry, some of that anger showing through in road rage.

Sami clung onto the handle for dear life as she took a sharp turn and hit the gas peddle.

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