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Remember Driver and Passenger guys? Yeah well, they were in some deep shit.

"How in the HELL do you get CAUGHT leaving a FUCKING PACKAGE AT A DOORSTEP?!" A man yelled, slamming his fists on the table in front of him. We'll call him Boss for now.

Both of them flinch and sink lower into their chairs, heads down in shame. Boss paced the short length of the table, arms crossed and eyes glaring.

"Well?" He asks, stopping in the middle and turning his full force scowl at them. "I asked you a fucking question." His voice was calm now and it scared the two men more than when he was yelling.

"W-we didn't know she had work, Boss," Passenger says, nervously meeting his gaze. "She normally w-works from home." Driver nods in agreement.

Boss pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. He drops his hands and places them on the table, leaning over the two. "What's our goal?"

They both look down at the table again. "To get the mission done quickly and anonymously," they recite.

"And what aren't you doing?"

"Getting the mission done quickly and anonymously..."

Both of them tense as a tell tale click is heard. Driver looks up as he fell a cold circle touch his forehead.

"That's right. So.. do your FUCKING job," Boss says, pushing the gun into Driver's forehead. "Or else," in a flash, he moves the gun and fires it. Driver recoils in pain, letting out a yell as the sound scared him and nicked his ear in the process. "I think you both know what'll happen." He pockets the gun and strolls out, whistling chill bill as he goes.

Once he was out of sight, Passenger immediately kneels on the ground next to Driver and grabs his hand. "James! Are you alright?"

Driver, who we now know is called James, removes his hand from his ear and blood swiftly trickles and drips. He hisses as the air hits it. "I'll be alright... stupid bastard," he mumbles. The last part was directed at their boss.

"Are you sure? It looks awful," Passenger reaches a hand up and brushes some of James' hair out of the way of the wound. "I think you need medical attention.."

Now that the hair was out of the way, the wound bled more. It was starting to make a real mess so Passenger took off his shirt and balled it up, using it to stem to blood flow and eliminate any more chances of making a bigger mess.

James flushes and shoves Passenger's stomach out of his face. "Don't take off your shirt, idiot. Here.." he struggles and, after a minute or two, takes off his jacket and throws it at him. "Don't walk around like that, Ollie." He stood and walked out, holding the door open for him.

Oliver smiles a little and held the jacket to his chest like a dumbass, spacing out.

"Let's go," James said sharply, and Ollie snapped out of it. The two made their way to the infirmary.


Sami opened the front door to check the mail and stumbled upon three boxes. How the heck..


His heart sped up. With a twinge of fear, he looks around for anybody suspicious before scooping up the boxes and dashing inside. He locks the door and makes his way to (Y/n)'s room.

Sami takes a breath the collect himself before opening the boxes.

C (6)

A (4)

M (3)

He finds the other slips of paper and arrange them in number order.














His breathing quickened and tears pricked his eyes. How could such a simple sentence be so frightening..

With shaky hands, he hastily shoved all the papers into one box and slammed it into a drawer, getting out of that room as quick as possible.

He found himself walking to the kitchen, sitting down at the table and staring at the wood with wide eyes. Goosebumps littered his arms and legs.

His ears were flat against his head as his leg bounced, eyes glancing at the clock every few seconds.


How was he going to tell (Y/n) this? And how was she going to take it?..

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