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Spencer and Wesley ran into (Y/n) in the hallway. Wesley quickly hid the vase behind his back.

The human smiles and pats both of their heads. "Why, hello you two. What are you up to?"

They both grin. "We have a surprise for you!" Wesley says.

Spencer nods in agreement, bouncing on his toes excitedly.

"Aww, for me? That's so sweet," she says, a smile growing on her lips.

Wes holds out the vase proudly. "Tada!"

(Y/n) gasps softly and takes the vase from him, smiling. "They're so pretty!"

Sami, who was listening from the kitchen, smiles. (Y/n) thanks the two and brings the vase into the kitchen, placing it on the table while the other two watched from behind her. Then, she gives them both a giant hug.

Happy with their success, the two run off to go play outside again.

(Y/n) walks over and wraps her arms around Sami's waist, resting her chin on his shoulder. "What's for dinner, master chef?"

Sami subconsciously leans back into her. "It's a secret."

She drums her fingers on his stomach lightly. "How rude," she teases, pressing her cheek against the side of his neck.

Sami chuckles. "It'll be ready around six. Then you'll know."

"Alright. I'll leave you to cook then," she says, turning her head and kissing his cheek before letting him go.

Sami blushes and smiles, holding a hand to his cheek.

Tate came back inside. It had started raining and he wasn't fond of getting wet. He opens the backdoor and trips over something.

Thankfully, he fell into something sturdy that caught up. Looking up, he blushes as he realizes it was (Y/n).

"Woah, careful there." She helps him back up and bends over to pick something up off the ground.

It was a box. Most likely the thing he had tripped on.

"I wonder what this could be," she mumbles to herself.

Tate grabs her sleeve, his eyes directed to his shoes. "Thanks," he whispers before going back inside.

"You're welcome.." she says offhandedly, the box taking up most of her attention. She didn't even realize that Spencer and Fox were outside playing in the rain. Wesley had gone inside after trying and failing to get them to follow. After all, he didn't want to get sick.

(Y/n) takes the box and goes to her room, sitting down on the bed before opening it.

There was nothing in it. She tips the cardboard box over and a little slip of paper falls out.

She tosses the box aside and picks up the slip of paper. It was no bigger than her finger. Upon turning it over, she found nothing written but the letter i.

Thoroughly confused, she assumes that it's just some prank and throws the slip back into the box, tossing the entire thing into her bedside drawer to be forgotten.

Sami called everyone to dinner fifteen minutes past six.

(Y/n) took her seat and watched everyone file in. Thatcher walks over and sits in her lap, claiming her attention.

"Can I help you?"

Thatcher smirks and puts his arms around her. "I think I'll sit here for dinner."

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