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(Y/n) had to work that day but she didn't have to go into the office. Most of her job could be done at home.

While she was in her office, Sami sat down in the middle of the living room floor. This grabbed the attention of the others. Sami never sat down. He never took breaks. What was wrong with him?

Wesley and Spence sit down with him. "What's wrong, Sami?" Wesley asks.

"Nothing, really. Just thinking..."

Spencer hugs his stuffed animal to his chest. "About what?"

"(Y/n)." He blurts out without thinking.

Spencer grins. "Me too! She's really awesome," he hides half his face with his plushie. "I really like her."

Sami look at Spencer with wide eyes. There's no way... could that happen? He stands up and bolts to go find Thatcher.

Spencer looks at Wesley. "Did I say something?"

Wes pats his head. "No. I think he just has a lot on his mind... why don't we go play outside?"


Spence stands up and grabs Wesley hand, pulling him outside.

Max was.. bored. He was bored. Out of his mind. He was tired but he couldn't go to sleep.

Grumbling, he stands up and pads his way down the hallway, his feet making sticky sounds on the floor as he pulled the blanket closer around his shoulders.

(Y/n) looks up from her desk as the door opens. "Yes?"

Max wordlessly shuts the door and walks over, crawling under the desk and pulling his blanket over him. He lays his head in her lap and closes his eyes. "Not a word," he mumbles.

The human chuckles and ruffles his hair. Max almost immediately falls asleep and (Y/n) continues her work.

Outside, Spencer found Tate and the three of them were crouched on the ground, watching a caterpillar crawl up a tree. Wesley told them some interesting facts about butterflies, even able to identify what type it was.

Fox was with Thatcher in (Y/n)'s room. He was digging through her clothes, pulling out a hoodie.

Sami opens the door. "Thatcher, we need to talk."

Thatcher sighs, sitting up from the bed. "About?"

The silver haired neko glances at Fox. Hearing the conversation go quiet, Fox glances at them. Immediately, he sighs. "Fine. I'll leave." He snags the hoodie and leaves, pulling it over his head. It was way too big but he didn't care.

Sami shuts the door and takes a moment to breath.

"Whatcha need, Sami?"

"Out of anyone here, you probably know the most about love, correct?"

Thatcher frowns, getting a little suspicious. "Yeah...? Why?"

"Is it possible for two people to love the same person?"

"Uhhh yeah. Humans have love triangles all the time."

"What about our kind?"

Thatcher falls silent. Sami wrings his hands together. "I mean, yeah, but that kind of sucks... we can only fall in love with one person our entire lives. Either way, one person loses the girl and their entire romantic life in one fell swoop."

"Shit," Sami whispers, covering his face.

Thatcher's eyes widen. Sami was the person he least expected to cuss. "Why do you ask?"

"I think.. I think I'm in love with (Y/n) and I don't know what to do and I'm really scared and I think Spencer does to and I- I-"

Thatcher felt something shoot down his spine. Jealousy? Possessiveness? Skepticism? He honestly couldn't tell what it was.

"...what? Sorry, but that's not happening."

Sami uncovers his face. "Huh?"

"I've already chosen her."

The silver haired male's eyes widen. "Thatcher, you..."

"Yeah. So uh, sorry. I love you and all but I'm not giving her up." Thatcher crosses his arms.

"If me, you, and Spencer..." he trails off. "Who knows who else," he says, meeting eyes with Thatcher.

Thatcher uncrossed his arms. "We need to talk with them.. now."


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