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Uh oh...

Sami and Max both whip their heads over, eyes wide as they look at (Y/n) standing in the doorway, beyond shocked.

"What is wrong with you!" She drops her armful of groceries and rushes over to Damien.

Damien groans in pain, holding his face.

Max immediately gets aggravated. "What's wrong with me?? You should be asking what's wrong with him! He's the asshole," he yells, a little bit betrayed that (Y/n) was immediately taking Damien's side.

"Damien, what did you do?" She crosses her arms.

"I wasn't doing anything, he just attacked me out of nowhere!"

(Y/n) looks between the two and sighs. "Max.. you really shouldn't have hit him. I'm disappointed in you."

"What! He's obviously lying! That bastard was aski—"

"Hey! You watch your mouth, this is my family you're talking about."

"Yeah well your family has always been honest and kind, havent they!"

"Go to your room." (Y/n) stood up. She wasn't going to take this from him. "I'm done arguing. Until you can apologize and be honest, you're grounded."

"Grounded?? I'm not a fucking five year old!"

"ROOM. Now."

Max snarled and stormed off. A very muffled "I HATE YOU!" was heard from the laundry room.

Sami stood in the middle of the living room dumbfounded.

"(Y/n).." he looked at the human worriedly.

"What," she snapped, making Sami flinch.

"Max.. he was um.. he wasn't ly-" Sami was cut off by Damien inhaling sharply in pain.

"Here let me see it," (Y/n) said, completely ignoring Sami.

Damien used both hands to cover his face, except he was holding his cheek, not his jaw. "No, it's okay.. I'll manage." He got up exaggeratedly, groaning as he stood up fully. "You really need to get those boys under control."

A red place was forming on Damien's exposed jaw, but (Y/n) didn't notice. She was too angry.

"Yeah, yeah.. I'm going to my room." She didn't want to think about what just happened with Max.

Sami frowned. He'd never heard her sound so dejected and disappointed. And he'd never heard her yell like that before, not at Max or any one of his brothers.

Once the door to (Y/n)'s room clicked shut, Damien dropped the act. "Fucking bitch," he snapped his fingers and Eli walked over. "Get me a snack."

He took a seat in the chair left empty by Max and stared at the other two boys in the room. "What the fuck do you want."

Spencer frowned. "Why did you lie to (Y/n).. that wasn't very nice."

"Because. I do whatever the fuck I want. And can you guess what I want?" He leaned forward on his elbows, mocking a friendly voice.

Spencer shook his head no.

"I want you fuckers gone."

Sami back away and grabbed Spencer. "Why don't you go play in Tate's room for now..."

"But why?"

"Please Spencer?"


Sami kept an extra eye on Damien, making sure he knew where he was at all times. Sami wasn't a fighter, but he'd do whatever it took to look out for (Y/n) and the others.

Dinner was strained.

The only one who seemed unbothered was Damien.

(Y/n) was still in her room and everyone else barely ate.

Max had taken his food back to the laundry room.

"Everyone leave, you're spoiling the meal."

Six heads turned towards Damien.

"You heard me. Your putrid scent is ruining my food."

"Hey, what the fuck is your problem," Thatcher said, standing up and reaching over to grab Damien's shirt collar.

Before he could get within four inches of Damien, Eli grabbed his hand and wrenched it to the side.

Thatcher yelled in pain and buckled to the floor to release the pressure.

"Ha!! See what happens when you fuck with me?!" Damien slammed his fist on the table as he cackled.

Thatcher glared at him, giving him a hiss before sitting back down. He glared down at his food maliciously before pushing it away and leaving the table.

A heavy silence filled Thatchers absence.

(Y/n) had let an imposter into her home. The boys felt violated, wronged, and most of all betrayed.

Later that night, (Y/n) finally left her room. She was eating the cold leftovers when she saw Damien heading towards the front door.

"Where ya going?"

Damien's eyebrow twitches. He was hoping to leave unnoticed. "Oh just... out."


"..." he racked his brain for some kind of excuse. "Work."

"This late?"

"Very important. Detrimental to my company."

"Oh, you better hurry then."

"Yup, I'm on it!" He leaves and mumbles curses all the way to his car.

James groaned in annoyance. "Ollie! Will you PLEASE stop throwing the ball?"

"But I'm boredddddd."

Oliver had been throwing a tennis ball at the wall for over thirty minutes now.

"Yeah well it's getting on my nerves."

Oliver lets the ball bounce on the floor until it rolled to a stop. "What's with you today? I mean it's normal for you to be grumpy but.. you're like extra irritable."

"Considering that bastard is over two hours late, yeah I'm a little angry."

"He's never on time James. You should be used to this."

"That's the point! He tells us a time and then he never shows up! I bet if we didn't show up until four hours later, he'd never know. That jackass is too bothered with his own ego to even remotely care about us, I'm sure he's completelyyyy forgotten about this stupid ass meeting—"

"This what now meeting?"

James bolts up. "B-Boss!"

The man clears his throat. "The. What. Now. Meeting?"

"The perfectly fine and on time meeting we scheduled sir!"

"Glad we're on the same page."

Oliver lets out a small sigh of relief. He was certain James was going to get punished for that.

"You, bird legs. Bring me an ice pack, my head is killing me. Beef for brains, come here. I have things to discuss with you. We need to put step three into action."

James now wished he had been put on ice pack duty. Discussing plans with this man never went well...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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