Chapter 12: Photoshoot Blues

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Trinity's Outfit

Trinity's Outfit

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Alec's Outfit


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"My Twinidy! Wake up my Twinidy!" Alec says trying to shake me awake. I rub my eyes and blink slowly to try to wake myself up. "What do you need Alec?" I say, knowing he woke me up before my alarm for a reason. I let myself sleep in a little today since Abby pushed back Elite rehearsal by an hour.

"I sowwy Twinidy, but I hungwy." Alec lisps sadly.

"You never have to be sorry about being hungry okay. You always find one of us to help you alright?" I say to him giving him a kiss on his forehead. Alec nods in agreement and wraps his little arms around me.

"I wanted to let yous sleep more, but I no know where mommy is." Alec pouts frustratedly. Mom told me she was going to take care of Alec for once, so I could rest up. It's not like I don't want to take care of him, but raising a toddler when your just a teenager is exhausting. I guess she found something more important to do.

"It's okay Alec, why don't you grab your coloring book from your room and head downstairs. I'll be down in a minute to get you some breakfast." He nods in responds and toddles out of the room.

I sigh and pick my phone up from my nightstand. There's a text from my mom reading "I have a meeting, take care of your brother. Melissa will be taking you to dance today."

I love last minute plans....not.

I reply to my mom and put on my slippers and head downstairs. Alec is laying in front of the TV watching, Steven Universe and happily coloring in his Princess and the Frog coloring book.

I smile slightly at the adorable sight and then fix us some breakfast. For him a simple yogurt with blueberries and strawberries. For me avocado toast with some fruit salad.

I scoop Alec up and put him in his highchair and then sit next to him on the kitchen island.

"Thank you my Twinidy. Is very yummy!" Alec says with a mouth full of blueberries.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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