Chapter 10 Part 2: A Different Kind of Rehearsal

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"Maddie your solo is contemporary and it is entitled The Woods. It's a beautiful piece that's all about technique and acting. You are representing nature itself through your portrayal of the woods. A forest is beautiful but also dangerous so that's why we chose contemporary. It's a style you do well so don't let me down." Abby explains to Maddie.

Maddie nods with a focused look on her face. Gianna plays Maddie's solo music which is honestly very pretty. I'm a little nervous considering they have set up Maddie with something she does very well. I am really good at jazz but it can sometimes be viewed as not as competitve as contemporary or lyrical.

After Maddie learns the first minute of her solo with Abby and Gianna they ask her to run it as Abby gives her critiques while she is dancing.

"Point your toes!"

"That was gorgeous Maddie, do it like that everytime. Faster turns."

As Abby is giving her critiques to Maddie I am in the corner of the room mentally marking Maddie's dance. She's repeated it enough times that I just find myself remembering the steps automatically.

In the middle of the second run through I am snapped out of my zoned out state to the sharp ringing sound of Abby's phone. I can't help but to wonder what it's for and by the looks on Abby and Gianna's faces it seems to be pretty important.

"Okay Maddie unfortunately Gia and I have a very important business call to attend to. Trinity can you come up here for a moment please?" Abby adresses Maddie first before turning to me. I look at her confused before getting up out of my straddle stretch and standing beside Maddie.

"Trinity I'm assuming by you sitting in on this rehearsal that you know this routine at least a little bit?"

"Yes." I say quietly. I really hope she isn't going to ask me to perform it or anything like that. I don't want more issues with the moms than necessary.

"Good. This call might take ten minutes or so. While I'm doing this I want you to run the dance with Maddie without the music and just help her out. It shouldn't take too long. I know you have experience teaching and I'm trusting you with my best dancer. Can you do this for me?" I know she's referring to the masterclass I taught but so far none of the moms have found out and I want to keep it that way.

I look outside of the studio at the moms, more specifically at my mom as I see her give me a stern look. So I'm guessing that means I have to accept Abby's request.

"Yes Miss Abby. You can count on me." I say with a strained smile. This is gonna be the topic of the week for the mom's gossip. Abby thanks me and leaves the room with Gianna and they go into her office.

"Maddie I just want to say your doing so good but I did notice after that float turn you're not steady enough to go up on releve for that kick...." Maddie and I work together on her solo there's moments when I am serious and she improves and moments where we are regular teenagers who just joke around and laugh at an error. I can see that Maddie is at ease which makes me at ease and makes for a good 20 minutes of us cleaning the choreo she has been given.

In the middle of me demonstrating how to do a move Abby and Gianna walk back in. Since they don't tell me to stop I continue to demonstrate the move and ask Maddie to do it and she does it flawlessly. She and I high five and smile at each other.

"Okay sorry about that girls. Trinity can you play the music for her and Maddie run what you have so far. I want to see your progress."

I play the music and Maddie begins to dance. She executes the moves flawlessly until she stumbles on the landings to one of her leaps.

"Gia rewind the music. Trinity can you do the last 3 eight counts we just worked on and show Maddie how to properly land that leap. It might be good for her to have a visual example." I nod at Abby and wait for Gianna to play the music. I take a deep breath and think about what the words really mean and perform. When I'm done Abby and Maddie clap with smiles on their faces.

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