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"...America is on the verge of change...We are not the land of the Free; we are the land of the gun. Since 1776 the right to bear arms has been part of the US political system. Can survivalists really give our children hope? Can we send our boys and girls off to Afghanistan? Can we fight the Taliban...Or Isreal? Can we? Sending money overseas to foreign countries so we can prop our economy because we owe over a trillion dollars in debt...Is that we we're The Greatest Country on Earth? The answer is No. But, aren't we patriots; aren't we indebted to our Fore Fathers who served our country...And shaped who we are, as Americans...America gave blood to give freedom to those who wanted a better life...The Declaration of Independence means freedom...That was back in the 18th century...And when The American Civil War happened in President Abraham Lincoln's time in the 1860's, we fought not America against a foreign country, but American versus American...Brother against brother...Man against Man...But now, in the 21st century, we have our troops in The Middle East...We have enemies who use IED's to sever limbs, cut off heads, and maim our soldiers...because of religious hatred of America...Muslims against Catholics...That's why we're in The Middle East until 2024...Another decade of horror...We can't train the Taliban...Because Assad Assay, the Syrian born Right Wing terrorist is not dead...And he is still on The FBI's "Hit List"...

           "...In other news, the Military have new Drone Boats to fight Assad and his terrorist cells in Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, and The Middle East...Drones is not like in the "Star Wars" movies of 2002; drones are real...They're our fight against terrorists...And Zombies...

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