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The Captain's Room-Zombie Drone AIDS room

Cadet Shep entered the room.

      There was a huge black colored table, four brown colored chairs, and two lamps that illumed in the gloom.

        But, to his horror, he saw something so shocking that he knew that he'd had made the biggest mistake of his life.

          Six Drone Zombies were eating the Captain. They were using razors to cut into their veins...And, as the blood gushed into their mouths, they were infected with the AIDS virus.

         Because of everyone's complacency, sexually transmitted diseases had been on the increase over the last decade...Or more.

          And they were having sex.

          Other AIDS Drone Zombies stared at the young Cadet.

           One of them coughed so violent into the Cadet's face that he screamed. He wasn't wearing a face mask, nor a helmet.

             And it moved forward.

              And, armed with a axe in its rotting right hand, it swung the weapon into the cadet's head. And, seeking the cadet's brain, ate into his skull.

               And then, after it feeded, it yanked the axe out...Then beheaded the Cadet. Once the Cadet's head thudded next to the AIDS Zombie Drone's feet, it ate the flesh off the head...Then, after the flesh was gone, it ate until its hunger was sated...

              ...And waited for more victims to the new Zombie mania spread all over New New York.


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