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Emma finished her Hot Dog and coke.

     She placed the wrapper and Coke can in the trash.

      She saw piles of other trash on the streets of New New York. But she knew that the City would take care of it after Midnight.

         Up ahead, Emma saw a grate.

         It had had been closed for a long time.

        And, to her horror,  it wa now ajar. Then she saw a Zombie girl's clawed fingers rake her right thigh. She screamed. Fresh blood oozed from the wound, and she suddenly went into a deep spasm. In all of the other Zombie mania crisis that was all across America, noone knew why there was still more "Grate Zombies"...

         ...Zombies who were forgotten...But could kill those who dared to go near their homes underneath the bloody streets of New New York.


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